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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. Ree - Vera pendejo. Riviera is in France. And Linden, Texas is in a whole ‘nother league of suckitude when it comes to DQ. I am boycotting it.
  2. CoTex

    Semper Paratus

    I’ve never known a “coasty,” but have many friends with a license/ticket. Was friends with this man https://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/bounty-captain-and-owners-negligent-for-fatal-sinking-in-hurricane-sandy/2184134/?outputType=amp I have great respect for those that go to sea.
  3. Yeah, I agree. I was looking at the voyager deal and just contemplating all that crypto sitting in a bk court and then one day it dumps into market. Now, we got a twofer because FTX will follow the same course. And, when it does happen, demand will have evaporated which I guess exacerbates the situation.
  4. Serious question. All the voyager crypto is locked in ch. 11. Whatever “all” is (1.8billion?), it’s out of the “market.” Not in the “float.” Now, FTX and Alameda’s assets will be locked/frozen, etc. I would say odds of that are 100% and I’m surprised they haven’t filed anything in bankruptcy court yet. Those assets come out of the float market. And so these two failures have decreased the supply of multiple cryptocurrencies. Does that supply decrease inflate the remaining float’s price? And if so, when these bankruptcies unwind, will that supply increase depress the prices? Can anyone try to explain why I’m correct that these events pull supply off the table and artificially increase prices for a time?
  5. I spent a few hours reading the Voyager bankruptcy docs this week trying to predict the recovery from a locked voyager account. Then I wrote an email that included “when ftx closes the purchase …”. Probably should have gone with “if FTX closes the purchase…” Oh well.
  6. Dude’s got a gimp in that gimp trunk behind him. I’ve seen pulp fiction., I know how this works.
  7. I wasn't intending to try to benefit Briles in any way, but i was trying to find the likely solution to the problem. Probably you don't scratch Jimbo a 90m check without a replacement in mind.
  8. I think the answer is they try to figure out how to get someone “super top notch” but on the sale rack. Yes Briles has baggage but is it the kind of baggage that dq’s him in this situation? Maybe not.
  9. The 90m is already spent. They already spent that money. The questions are: 1. Can they tolerate him staying? 2. Can they get some discount? 3. What kind of coach do they want/need, can they afford that person and are they available. Pretty sure they can’t get out of the 90 for free but maybe a discount. Question - does that contract have a forum/venue/choice of law provision? I’m guessing jimbo doesn’t want to litigate any contract disputes in Bryan County Court at Law number 17.
  10. Hypo - aggy wants to hire Briles (senior Briles, not one of the junior Briles). Will 2m get it?
  11. I dont really understand that provision. It seems to me that, if they want to make him 3rd assistant to the AD In Charge of don’t come anywhere near the football program, but still pay him, he should be perfectly happy. 10m to not show up for your job? I’m in.
  12. Thinking about the Jimbo buyout, inflation and the time value of money, he’s got 9’years left and inflation is over 8% - by my bar napkin math his last year of salary in today’s dollars may be a lot closer to $5mil than 10. If they offered him cash now he might take a significant discount and still come out ahead. Advantage.
  13. There used to be a Gibson guitar factory down there. Never made it inside but wish I had. civil rights museum is definitely worth the time. Also, Beale street flippers - those dudes are athletic.
  14. ESPN stats 5 carries - 50 yards 1-1 passing 18 yards
  15. I want to help. If you’ll give me the name of the marina and the slip number, I’ll look after your boat for you. I’ll need your credit card for the flight from Texas and incidentals but don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything and it will be just like you want it when you’re recovered. Don’t thank me - helping others is my calling.
  16. Lou Reed, Sandra Bullock and Burt Reynolds? Weird threesome.
  17. Once you start shooting - why stop? I’d have put that cat out of bidness.
  18. Is there a bulb I can put in my now obsolete soffit can lights that is wifi controllable and color variable? Prove it.
  19. This should be unpopular. I'm in OKC. So far I've eaten at some Italian lunch place downtown, Flint, Mahogany, Vast, Broadway 10, restaurant at Ambassador hotel, Freddy's custard, dominos, and city eats which is a sandwich shop. I'm ready for texmex. Yes, I know ousux. Yes, I regret that I'm here and not in the great state. What I don't know is, "where can I get some decent tex-mex, here?" I searched the enchilada thread and couldn't figure it out. A crispy taco, some enchiladas and salsa that doesn't use ketchup/catsup as a base. Top three? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
  20. But what if 100% is all we have?
  21. Meh, they could have screwed us in that muffed punt touch earlier and didn’t. We have to win - expect no favors.
  22. Hope it’s UT. What will they call it? Ditch name or contraction? SFA&M?
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