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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. He has completed 5/13. Forgive me if I’m not quite ready to declare him a success.
  2. I can really feel Glen gaining confidence. I think FSU needs to air it out and show us what they’ve been hiding.
  3. Counterpoint. They were legit… legit down two scores to West Tallahassee High School in the first quarter. Their adjustment - run their legit qb around and see what happens. He legit twisted his lower leg like some overcooked pasta. Video is on YouTube if you don’t wanna take my word for it. Legit.
  4. FSU has that “CFP” defense. They gave up 8 and 13 on first two plays of game which were both inside runs. Hmmmm.
  5. You left out one important detail which is stop in Lafayette and buy a Sammich at https://www.oldetymegrocery.com/#/ And 4 abitas. That should keep you full and hydrated until you get to the quarter. Acceptable Sammiches are any kind of seafood poboy, the special or the meatball. I don’t recommend eating the meatball in your car. Eat it in a friend’s.
  6. In. Leaving east Texas early in the morning. Im gonna make that Baton Rouge bridge my bitch.
  7. 121 and 119 - those must be the band, right?
  8. I'm holding out like Billy Ray Valentine looking to call the bottom of the pork belly market. I've puffed up some scalper income statements over the years, maybe this year I take some back. Looking for lower level. Anyone got a prediction on what a good price for lower level will be? Any idea which end Bevo will be on? I'm thinking 126 or 102 look promising.
  9. I was at Disney for the first FH launch. I woke up early af, rented car and went over to watch. Ate Jimmy John’s in the back of a Hyundai SUV, got sunburned, and sat around for a while, but my two kids saw it and it was cool. Even cooler - 2 boosters returning supersonic and landing in unison and then out of nowhere a large Blackhawk helicopter buzzed us at about 100 feet. It was a weird sensory overload. like we were in that movie Contact and seeing the future. If you’ve got kids take them to see a launch. It doesn’t cost much.
  10. I got no problem with meat judging guy. He's probably some kinda celebrity at aggy and is living his best life. At this rate they should name the hall of champions after him - he's putting up the most skins.
  11. Nuggets' Gordon needs 21 stitches after cuts to face and hand from dog bite, AP source says | AP News No breed mentioned. Fingers crossed its the goldendoodles. Hopefully a little bad PR will bring the price down.
  12. I left my mark on San Marcos, Texas and it left some marks on me.
  13. Met him one night after the HLSR at Blancos. He was cool.. Damn those were long nights. Head to the rodeo at 6, start drinking. Leave bar/dancehall etc at 2am. 8 hours of drinking.
  14. I just got a bottle of King Ranch Old Forester. I didn't know such a thing existed but - the miracle of Christmas!
  15. I spent a week one January at the Sioux City Hard Rock working my days in Le Mars. I like three things in Le Mars. Blue bunny ice cream, a pork cutlet Sammich, and the highway out. Sioux City in January is hard on the mind.
  16. I’ve seen the hot crazy matrix - I think we need the “whore/housewife” equivalent. On the one hand, I don’t really want to wake up next to the pioneer woman. However, if you told me I had ALS and needed to find someone to manage my affairs, raise kids and wipe ass, i wouldn’t pick one of Manziel’s castoff skanks. Somewhere in the middle you’ve got someone like Giselle or Natalie Portman. They could get pretty high on both axis and still not be a man or a AI robot. Afleck’s ex wife seems like she might score well. No on any kardashian but the money wouldn’t hurt.
  17. I was at a continuing education workshop once about how to make effective sentencing arguments on behalf of persons convicted of federal crimes. Teachers/facilitators were from all over buy my two included this guy Ronald Tyler - Faculty - Stanford Law School and a public defender from Baltimore. They required each of us to work up a mock case and argue it. Basically, learn your case, practice and then stand up and say "Judge, take it easy on my guy because _______." to this panel. I had a couple of arguments and one was "my client never had a father - his father was a drug dealer who was incarcerated and so, instead of a father figure in the home he had an empty chair and stories of "dad in prison." But for this, maybe he would have led a more productive life. Father's absence contributed to this guy's problems and maybe he's less culpable - take it easy, pretty please." ... Ho lee fook. They didn't like that shit one iota. I got the old "you are aware that there are many homes with no fathers, same-gender parents, single mother, blah blah and your argument is not only false but it diminishes them. Your argument perpetuates stereotypes, blah, blah, blah." I would love to tell you all that I turned the corner on those peeps and tied it all up with a nice bow but I'm pretty sure I responded something like this:
  18. I have no excuse. It was there, unloaded and I knew it was unloaded.
  19. Yeah. I’ve asked myself that. It was tense - I was trying to get him away from my son - truck blocked in and dude was screaming. I should have stayed in truck with windows up and just called “the man.”
  20. I have been in fights everywhere from Port Aransas to Bridgeport Connecticut. I have a scar over my left eye because right handed guy hit me good one night on 6th. I have a scar on left palm because I ended up kicking and gouging in glass on the floor of a bar one night. I was never likes to fight guy - just smartass big mouth guy. But, Saturday morning wearing hoka’s with your kid - different game. Getting madder.
  21. I can’t be sure, but I suspect the log splitter guy was seasonal. He didn’t look homeless but looked pretty rough. No alarm bells because I was sorta expecting firewood guy to look like something from deliverance. I think boss guy probably went for coffee or something and when he came back he was surprised - didn’t expect to see someone driving off with his product. Then overreacted and that combined with low IQ and blind rage - he couldn’t put 2 and 2 together. Did boss guy have a pistol in the truck? I did (unloaded). Knife in pocket? If we start fighting is splitter guy gonna break it up? Slap me with a firewood stick? What the fuck man - I brought cash and just want firewood. I asked for 40 sticks - you set the price. It wasn’t even load up for cheap. If dude had said $50 I would have paid it because real goal was to get home and spruce up yard for party.
  22. If you have anything to lose. Family, home, career, it’s hard to win in a situation like that. yeah, on a keyboard we’re all Dirty Harry and Marcellus Wallace but when this dude is going all mf’er and your 11 year old is crying. Are you going to push all your chips in on money that doesn’t really change your life? As for me, I didn’t. I guess I’m a pussy but now I’m drinking my woodford and gaining saltiness.
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