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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Missouri cop moves 1600 .lb bale of hay out of the road https://nypost.com/video/missouri-cop-who-doesnt-miss-leg-day-moves-1600-lb-bale-of-hay/
  2. LOL. Trump being sued by the co-founders of Truth Social: The co-founders of former president Donald Trump’s media company filed a lawsuit Wednesday, claiming that Trump and other leaders had schemed to deprive them of a stake in the company that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The case could complicate a long-delayed bid by Trump Media & Technology Group, owner of the social network Truth Social, to merge with a special purpose acquisition company called Digital World Acquisition and become a publicly traded company. That merger deal, which could value Trump’s stake in the company at more than $3 billion, would offer the former president a financial lifeline at a time when he is facing more than $454 million in penalties from a civil fraud judgment this month in New York. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/29/truth-social-lawsuit-trump-media-founders/
  3. Came here to post this. 100% pure awesomeness. The response to Cornyn's tweet is almost 100% bots slamming him for being a RINO. Same with Lindsay Graham's tweet in praise of Mitch McConnell.
  4. Agreed. We need to let some of the guys we have already matriculate through the system and we can better utilize that scholarship.
  5. If the Democrats can't beat a party that wants to end recreational sex, there's no hope for this country.
  6. His "endorsements" are a direct copy of Ken Paxton's, which means he's carrying water for Tim Dunn, which means for all his talk about limited government, he's all for an overreaching role of the government in the private lives of the citizenry. Plus, Michael Berry "endorsed" Donald Trump, a man who bragged on tape about sexually assaulting women and being able to get away with it because he's a star.
  7. Philandering Ken Paxton keeps calling Dade Phelan "Drunk Dade." Meanwhile, Ken Paxton endorsed Nathan Criswell, a wife-beater who violated a restraining order. This is what Criswell did to his wife: https://www.thedailybeast.com/ken-paxton-endorses-nathan-criswell-who-violated-protective-order
  8. Patrick McHenry goes after Mike Johnson: Mike Johnson's Predecessor Turns on Him (msn.com) Republican Ken Buck "embarrassed" by his Republican party's inability to do anything construtive: Top House Republican Is “Embarrassed” and “Ashamed” Of GOP’s Actions (msn.com)
  9. You know what pisses the living shit out of me for some reason, "Rest in Power." I'm seeing it all over social media now. The first time I saw it I thought "oh, that's kind of cool. It's a takeoff on 'Rest in Peace, but not as cliche'". Now? Fuck it. I'm just going to start sayin nonsense shit like Rest in parsimony, rest in pulchritude, rest in priaprism, rest in paradox, rest in pertinence, rest in propitiousness etc... Fuck this shit.
  10. I told Dall-E to generate a picture of a car full of Texas longhorn football fans careening towards a canyon and this is what it came up with.
  11. This is a pretty good analysis of Trump's popularity. https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/2/24/24080974/south-carolina-gop-primary-results-2024-trump-haley-trumpism "Trump’s celebrity charisma alone isn’t enough of an explanation. Otherwise, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would bestride the GOP like a colossus. Nor is Trump’s fawning coverage in the conservative media. Fox News has repeatedly tried to turn the Republican base away from Trump and toward figures like DeSantis, only to have to kiss the ring when the voters didn’t follow their lead. The answer, at least as far as I can tell, is that Trump’s cult is the product of his unique ability to channel the cultural grievances at the heart of the current Republican party. Again and again, social scientists found that the best predictor of Trump support among Republican voters is the degree to which they feel discomfort with the changing nature of American demographics and social norms. Trump has sold himself as the only person capable of fighting back against the alleged elite conspiracy behind these changes, saying things like “I alone can fix it” and “I am your retribution.” From these building blocks, he has created a full-scale political movement dedicated to reconquering America. Trump’s appeal isn’t premised on delivering concrete policy goals, nor even “owning the libs” with high-profile stunts. It is about assuaging the sense of fear and resentment at their America being replaced: about achieving victories that assuage the sense of psychological assault created by things like mass immigration, a Black president, shifting gender roles, and a beloved beer brand cutting an ad with a trans influencer. Donald Trump, as a figure, represents the America they know and love. His victories are their victories, his defeats their defeats."
  12. They have to be the dumbest people on the planet, especially the guy that punched him in the back of the head. The dude made NFL linebackers look small.
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