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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. looked at the menu for that last night - looks like the garden" part of the restaurant is now open. not really a fan of Roman style pizza, but many other things on the menu sound interesting (scallop roll? yes please). may try to check it out this weekend.
  2. Jack Straw


    i was going to post a couple recs in response to a poster looking for some weekend brunch options in austin a few weeks ago, but he had his place picked out before i was able to get to my computer - so i decided start this thread. i had always been a breakfast taco on the weekends person, so brunch wasn't really on my radar much - but my GF got me to branch out and a couple of discoveries have brought them into the regular rotation for us my faves: Spread & Co. - on Kerbey Lane a few doors down from Kerbey Lane Cafe, in the spot where the old Baby Louie's was (IIRC) they smoke their own fish for the fish spread, have house made sausage, mustard and pickles, and the home made hot sauce is probably the best I've had anywhere. not sure if they bake all their own bread but i suspect they do. they also have a nice cheese and charcuterie case up front for take home. roti* plate plate with eggs, avocado, creme fresh, capers and onions (and the homemade hot sauce). added a side of the smoked fish spread (not pictured here). *what is a roti? ITS A GIGANTIC HASH BROWN AS BIG AS A DINNER PLATE FC and biscuits with hot honey - special of the day a couple weeks ago breakfast sandwich - eggs and homemade sausage and cheese on a pretzel bun. added the hot sauce. also really like hopfield's and epicurie's brunch, although i think the latter is take out only now. really like savory items much more than sweet when it comes to breakfast/brunch so that usually drives our choices of places. what else you got?
  3. agree with all of the above except for the "still smoke" part. i'm her age, not a billionaire, and WNB.
  4. Jack Straw


    i thought it was pretty well established and understood here that JJ has terrible takes on pizza* * i say that with the caveat that I like JJ, and the vast majority of his takes - and further, the above is based on the premise that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
  5. point taken; however, perhaps I have a different definition of "consistently" as used in my original post (and reasonable minds can differ on that). it was clear that Trump was a cancer almost immediately after he took office, and it was apparent that he was a traitor at Helsinki - and that was mid-2018.
  6. the pain needs to be levied upon Republicans far, wide, and hard, and for a long time to come. the only Republican politicians - at the federal, state, and local level who should not be targeted are those who have openly, loudly, and consistently rejected and spoken out against Trump and Trumpism and everything they stand for. since that list of Republicans is comprised of ... [check notes] .... nobody, it should be pretty easy to keep track of.
  7. now think about how stupid someone would have to be to think he’s smart. tons of people think that. 100% of those people are Republicans/Republican voters.
  8. bench one and why: mattison vs atlanta jonathan taylor vs cincinatti mike davis vs chicago edwards-helaire @ buffalo
  9. “I mean, he seems genuine and sincere. Not sure what the criticism is all about with this guy.” -all Republicans
  10. Well, yeah. A good football coach doesn't tell his team that they're going to win when they're up by 21 with 5 minutes left in the 3rd. especially when the other team has told you that they are going to cheat, right to your face, and you know that the refs are in the bag for them.
  11. and when I think about it, I’m pretty sure I could be a world class swim coach with maybe a few weeks of study and training, max. I mean, how hard is it to tell people, “move your arms and legs faster”? and, apparently even complete morons like that Swam4Texas dude can be taught to do it at a competitive level.
  12. that's a tasty looking sandwich indeed. bread looks great, and top notch bread can take things to 11. where is that from?
  13. my dad lives in new orleans and has a big bottle of Tabasco in his pantry that i grabbed at the corner store about 12 years ago because he didn't have any in the house - he's old and doesn't like Tabasco/spicy (weird in NO, I know) and it only gets used when I am there. It has turned brown over time. that shit is delicious.
  14. and so is every single Republican in this country who continues to vote for them or support any of them in any way.
  15. i really hope you are right on this point, because it is really what the future of the country depends on. they are telling us straight to our faces (repeatedly) that they plan to steal the election, and no one is really doing a thing about it. and if they pull it off, there will be no real consequences. i mean, there will be media outrage and lots of hand wringing among politicians, and some protests, sure - but, just like there was with all of the other crimes, acts of treason, abject failures, and wholly anti-democratic acts by the Trump admin and Republicans, but...that will be it.
  16. so this will be the final straw huh? I see.
  17. hey, remember a couple of weeks ago when Trump shit all over the troops and I said it won’t move the needle at all with any Republicans, and that it would be in the rear view and we’d be on to the next thing in a couple weeks? yeah. and boy, do I have some bad news for anyone thinking that proof of Trump committing tax fraud and being a complete and utter failure as a “businessman” will matter one iota to a single Republican.
  18. why do some hispanics/Spanish speakers sometimes answer the phone with “bueno?” that makes no sense at all.
  19. Jack Straw


    i creamed my pants
  20. Central Market makes a dark rye that is money. they don't always have it on hand, so i call ahead and when they do, pick up 2-3 loaves and keep the extras in the freezer. my GF makes damn good bread, but haven't been able to convince her to make Russian rye yet.
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