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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. good info / pos rep for you both - have had tacos dorados at restaurants before - good stuff. the homemade version navy describes sounds amazing
  2. Jack Straw


    I saw a sign in front of the recently closed down Gattis in Rollingwood this morning - something is going in there - anyone have any idea? the sign just said “something is coming / let the good times ‘roar’”
  3. probably a good idea - I actually looked there first when I went searching for this thread
  4. one would think that every single Republican in this country would be shouting from the rooftops that this woman is not what the GOP is all about, and that she does not in any way represent Republicans believe and stand for. unless of course, she is exactly what Republicans are all about and says out loud exactly what Republicans believe and stand for.
  5. “it’s time to move on from all that.” -all Republicans
  6. first thing I thought was, I guess his wife is a brain surgeon
  7. GF and I had dinner one night last week at Summer House, which is attached to the Magdalena Hotel on Music Lane. Its not particularly fancy, or haute cuisine or anything but we both thought it was a total A+ for a weeknight date. there are a few tables inside which were all empty, and a bunch of tables on the patio and in the garden area - all really spaced out - that aspect, with really outstanding service, really made it sort of feel like we were the only ones there. not a big menu but we enjoyed everything we tried - particularly the whipped feta app (which had some marscapone folded in) , and the burnt honey ice cream that came on the apple galette dessert. i think next time i am there i will ask if they would sell me a pint - it may be the best ice cream i have ever had. we both had the "backyard chicken" which came with spicy chimichurri and roasted sweet potatoes. simple but really well done.
  8. Republicans are dishonest. she’s just about the perfect R candidate - someone who made her entire career on lying about everything, all the time.
  9. “Well, it’s time to move on from all that. Next issue?” - Republicans
  10. check out the molten cheese on this fucking hamburger sandwich
  11. lulz, how does that thing even go around corners
  12. keep in mind he had approval ratings in the mid to high 90 percentages among Republicans throughout his presidency. i think that might tell us something about Republicans, i dunno.
  13. 100% this. now is when the all out assault on the enablers of treason needs to really kick in to gear. every single R who voted against the first impeachment, who voted against certification, and/or who voted (or will vote) against the current impeachment needs to have their lives ruined. not just their political careers ended.
  14. “yeah, but what about something a Democrat did in the 1950s?” -FCHorn
  15. never thought of fresh japs going on a baked potato, but i gotta say, it makes perfect sense with a chili cheese spud, and i am officially intrigued.
  16. Watching Republicans and Trump supporters get hoisted by their own petards is delicious.
  17. Jack Straw


    sometimes i get dragged to County Line for a work lunch or function. i'll get a beef rib a la carte, tortillas, and pico, and make beef ribs tacos. works for me.
  18. “On Air Force One on Tuesday, during a trip to the southern border at Alamo, Texas, the president repeatedly said of the election to people traveling with him, “I won.”” you got up early. nobody cares.
  19. You can have that perspective, and it doesn’t faze me one bit. But the reality is I continue to positively impact hundreds of lives each year through my job and enjoy the mutual respect and gratitude shared with my students and colleagues. And now I’m going to go pack for my family’s 10 day trip to Orlando.
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