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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. I had forgotten about the internet issue at games it worked so well.
  2. The orange on the field looked like the wrong color. Hot as hell. Serious talent on this campus. I’m talking off the field.
  3. Did y’all notice how vertical those stands are? The height difference from row one to 50 is insane. That cannot be structurally sustainable.
  4. I logged on to see my results. Have not gotten text yet. Results were online in ~24 hours.
  5. I am intrigued as well. My blood type is O positive. I’m not sure how that effects this. I’ve been around my college-aged kids all year until they recently went back to school and they have many direct friends who have come down with COVID but luckily no one in our family has. I would have bet money one of them would have gotten it a few months ago. They both got Moderna as well at the same time as I did. Now I’m very curious to see the families antibody levels. I just did this testing recently due to this thread and out of curiosity…I’ll now see if they can do it Im also not the healthiest guy on the block…need to shed a few pounds this winter…so I was surprised to see my levels.
  6. Just got my test at CPL. Thanks for those posting that link. Will see how Coors Light influences these numbers. Will report back.
  7. If it flies, floats or fvcks…rent it.
  8. Recording some 150mph winds…a Cat 5 is 157mph…this things is in beast mode as it enters the coast.
  9. Bro in law came over and brought a Flame Boss blower deal that connected to the bottom of my egg. Best brisket I’ve ever had come of my BGE. Looking at the data map after the 11 or 12-hour cook was awesome. Thing held temp like a champion. Ordered one from the Flame Boss web site. No tax and free shipping. Can’t wait to try it again and hope for anything remotely close. So nice to not have to bird dog the temp gauge all night. Will take pics when I do my next one.
  10. Subscribed. Currently reading Murder Machine.
  11. I have faith the military has more power than Biden and they will now be calling the shots. He is just a temporary government employee.
  12. When I posted my question I was just reading about this. I have a ledger and will be working through loading it this weekend. Questions: 1. couldn’t the ledger thumb drive potentially fail? Is there a way to retrieve if so? 2. Do any banks let you park and insure crypto? Appreciate y’all’s expertise in this space.
  13. Screens can make a major difference if you go projector…especially with the 4K projectors out there now. I was lucky and my bro in law was a rep for Screen Innovations (got a great deal). Their black diamond screens are the best I’ve seen. With their zero edge, I’ve had many people walk into my media room and think they are watching a TV and not a projector. They are a bit pricey…but sports, gaming and movies are incredibly immersive.
  14. Anyone storing their crypto offline? If so, what method? I’m considering the move as I’m a long-term investor and don’t need to access it anytime soon.
  15. If you like heat and great flavor…this is your chip. From ATX as well. feastandfury.com
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