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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. Had to travel international earlier this year. I used rushmypassport.com and had it in three-four weeks.
  2. Were you ‘yo soy’ or on the other team? I’m Big Bevo. \m/
  3. Just turned this in and saw the score. Had to crack the first cold one.
  4. Ya, this fentanyl shit is for real “fuck around and find out.”
  5. Just saw my tickets in the app….can’t wait for the season to start! 🤘🏻
  6. Didn’t read more than a couple pages back. Anyone else grab a Bijan NFT? EDIT - Saw a post about them. Was able to grab a core at cost.wish I would have known about drop day….would have tried for the rare. Nice NFT.
  7. I ordered a Tesla in January. Originally April delivery. Then September. Now….no month listed.
  8. I don’t think he’s a fraud. I need more time for final diagnosis. Do you think he changes game plan in second half….or can’t beat opponents adjustments at half? Or does our D fold? Head scratcher.
  9. Due to COVID and everything else the last couple years, pool contractors are slammed. Most aren’t taking new clients. I need a good builder to help on a pool. Thanks for any help.
  10. Why cardiology is good field to look into kids.
  11. Big boys play in big boy games. I expect huge things from #5 and #4 for the Horn.
  12. Tailgate


    Ok, finally have a bit of time to post more about the Humboldt experience. It’s truly a must for any enthusiast. Number one Rec is book Matt at Humboldt Cannibis Tours. He’s literally the first person in the state of California to get a license to tour farms. Extremely nice guy and is friends with all the farmers you meet…and he knows great ones. https://www.humcannabis.com We stayed at Valkyrie Farm our first two nights and then booked Matt for a day right after. All the farms are awesome in their own way. Each farms has slightly different set ups but the general processes are the same. The bud is unreal everywhere. And all the farms are happy to share while you are there. Each farm was growing different varieties…but every plant you saw, you wish was in your backyard. It’s really that simple…book Matt…set your agenda and plan on three nights at least for a good visit and not rushed. Here are a few more pics…I can’t photoshop right now…but I’ve got one of me standing next to 12-foot giant plants that are full bud. This bong was “worth” $10k and traded for 100lbs of trim. It’s a long story but a good one. Apparently from an old school OG glass maker…it’s for concentrates/dabs. Oh yeah…try and book near a harvest time. Peak bud season.
  13. Just saw the most recent episode. Finally pumped for the rest of the season. Muy interesante.
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