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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. Obviously I don't know the details, but if the article is taken at face value, it's not a good look for UT, IMO.
  2. I said this on a different thread...but for me it was when Last Manitas closed.
  3. I get it...that's exactly why I said it wasn't practical and would never happen. I presented what I considered the ideal. Just as Plato did with the Republic, the idea is to consider the ideal and then back into the workable
  4. Listen, I think we agree on at least 95% of this. I don't think protesting Israel's response to 10/7 is necessarily anti-Israel or anti-Semitic, but I don't like the idea of people protesting the participation of a person in a talent competition just because they are from Israel. We can't choose the country were born into any more than we can choose our race. I don't think Greta Tunaburger (love the play on her name, FWIW) is anti-Israel or anti-Semitic, but I think she is misguided in this instance.
  5. Holy shit... episode 7 is amazing. Ending with Anemone was the chef's kiss.
  6. Maybe pick up a book and learn what communism is before making such an uninformed comment. But perhaps reading isn't your strong suit since I literally said "I'm not suggesting burning assets"...but to casually toss aside an idea that worked for thousands of years in different parts of the world is astonishing. You know what happens when we refuse to learn from history, right? Anyway, I didn't comment on your kids for 3 reasons...one, I don't give a shit, and two, it has nothing to do with the conversation, and three I seriously doubt you have generational wealth. I know I don't. These fine folks, many of whom have kids, have pledged to give most of their money away....how many of their children do you think will be "disadvantaged" because of it? As opposed to the number of people who will benefit? If that's "communism" then sign me up. The Giving Pledge - Wikipedia
  7. I question your sanity too. I don't recall you asking my opinion as to whether Russians or Palestinians should be allowed to participate in Eurovision. But the answer would have been Russia yes, Palestine no... because it's not in Europe. Frankly, I don't think Israel should be in for the same reason, but my understanding is that Eurovision is a TV show not a government agency so it can choose whoever the fuck they want to be part of it. My point is that I don't think that decision should be based on how popular the contestant's home country is in a given year. Pick the countries who can participate and stick with it. A singing competition has fuck all to do with the politics of a person's home country. If you can't see that, then you've got other issues to deal with.
  8. LO-fucking L...you just joined on Wednesday.
  9. Disagree, because those types to situations are relatively rare, and can be accounted for. You can take into account what parents could be expected to spend on their children to get them to a point of self-sufficiency....and I'm not talking about bare minimums, because I'm assuming you're talking about people of substantial means. That's why I used the term "excess" wealth. For example, let's say the parents die young....to make things easy, let's assume one child (age 12) and parents die in car crash...but somehow managed to accumulate $50m in net worth before dying. What if, instead of inheriting the full $50m, they got say $5M. At 3% interest...assuming they put everything into a savings account...that's $150,000 a year forever without touching the principle. You don't think that's enough to get the kid set up? Note: Average return of a mutual fund tracking the S&P 500 has returned over 9%/year inclusive of the great depression. So, 3% is way low. So what's the "great motivator" for the kids?
  10. Fantastic ending to a horrible story.
  11. DixonHur

    Marvin Gaye

    Great you just caused @jimmyjazz to get his wife pregnant again.
  12. While I agree with your premise, I think the folks protesting against an Israeli participating in a "silly talent contest" tip-toes the line of being anti-Israel. Unless I missed it, this lady didn't say anything negative about Palestine. She's as innocent as any of us who were against the invasion of Irag/Afghanistan after 9/11, but happen to live in the US. How does stopping her from being in a talent show move their agenda forward? She just wants to sing.
  13. Agreed. The ideal situation, IMO, would be the elimination (or limitation) of inheritance. The tribes in central California used to burn all the possessions of tribal members when they died to maintain relative equality...IE no generational wealth. I'm not suggesting burning assets, but some sort of redistribution of "excess" wealth, seems reasonable. The idea being that parents use their assets, during their lifetimes, to set their children up for future success, but that attaining success is the responsibility of the children themselves. Obviously, this is more a philosophical discussion than a practical one, since it would never happen, but studying historical examples could lead to new ideas about closing the wealth gap.
  14. So jealous. I went to Polvo's last night and made the mistake of ordering migas...the waiter asked if I wanted cheese on them? I didn't even know it was legal to serve migas without cheese....worst migas of my life. I'm becoming convinced that the day old Austin died was when Las Manitas closed its doors...RIP.
  15. That's regarded. Palestine needs to be recognized and its borders recognized and secured.
  16. Yikes, I hadn't stopped by this thread in a minute...I had no idea posting something that like 40% of the population says out loud would be so controversial to that 40%. Sorry Rex, go back to putting your head in the sand...I didn't mean to upset you by pointing out the obvious.
  17. Um, that was a movie...but our DNA is literally 8% virus. The viruses that helped to make you human (bbc.com)
  18. Wrong. Clearly this guy is an ace recruiter, how else can you explain an instate player taking a phone call from a coach at the 2nd largest university in the state of Texas? Check mate whorn!
  19. Bullshit, the guy with the brass knucks was the biggest pussy of the bunch. He's clearly a graduate of the Kyle Rittenhouse school of tough guys...needs illegal weapons to feel like a real man... Not one of the protestors budged an inch and he scurried off like the pussy he is.
  20. I haven't read all 17 pages...do you ever have bad run ins with brown bears? What's been you're most harrowing experience with an animal in Alaska?
  21. Well, that's a level of stupid I didn't expect. Hoping it's an attempt at comedy...if so, don't quit your day job, and if not... Yes, ants and mosquitos are destroying the planet.
  22. To be fair, there have been multiple extinction events on planet Earth, so it's not exactly pure fantasy.
  23. I'd like to reiterate how amazing this show is...the acting is some of the best I've seen in a series in a long time...across the board. I mean even the dog and cat are great, lol. Can't wait for tonight's episode.
  24. Everything, IMO People are the most destructive "virus" on the planet. But in terms of practicality, AI is coming, meaning fewer jobs, meaning more poverty, meaning more crime, meaning more civil unrest, meaning more war, etc... I believe the only solution is fewer people, and a system of universal basic income. People who want to be wealthier can work at one of the fewer jobs available.
  25. I don't watch LCK, but....
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