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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. For me it depends...was she a hooker or an escort? Escort yes, hooker no because usually there's something worse going on in your life if you're a lot lizard or street walker. High class escorts on the other hand, I assume are decent looking and doing it for the money.
  2. *13% Deleted from the DT by @blacklab in response to a @Frank Drebin claim that the SEC is a bastion of diversity while the PAC 12 is "lily white" Source: College Factual
  3. It's like watching 1950's NBA
  4. This. I used to play pick-up at the Rec Center when I was an undergrad and every once in a while, a few of the stars from Jody's Elite 8 teams would come in to play...mind you I'm 5'9" and probably weighed a Buck-Fifty back then, so naturally I would be asked to guard the women....I had zero problems scoring on or defending against them. And that's definitely not a brag.... I was a mid-tier player at best.
  5. FYI, I just got back from Bookspring Fest and can confirm that Alfred Collins is a very large human being....Niblack isn't tiny either. Can't wait for September.
  6. Oh really, you speak for all of us? Perhaps, you should have said "some" of our fans would have hated being in the PAC 12. Some of us fans, me included, would much rather travel to away games in Tucson, LA, the Bay Area, Seattle, and Oregon, as opposed to Starkville, Gainsville, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Oxford, and Fayetteville. But hey, that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.
  7. See my post above yours. I've lived in North Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, and California....it's not even close.
  8. So? Not sure what that has to do with you claiming the SEC has better weather and prettier women than the Pac-12 (RIP). I mean I guess if you like oppressive humidity, but that's not my jam. And when I lived in Charlotte I dated a former Auburn cheerleader, and she was hot, but not USC cheerleader hot.
  9. Yes, the deep south is known worldwide for having better weather, and prettier women than California or Arizona. *fewer I'm sure there's no way she was a legacy and daddy or daddy's Yale Alum business partner helped to get her into Yale. Also, Texas was just named a "new ivy" by Forbes... Link
  10. It's an attractive offer, but I'm also going to need a top-of-the-line camel, and all the figs I can eat.
  11. Also, true story, I once had sex while I was supposed to be working in my office with a girl I had met at work. She was a temp (but eventually hired on full time) and we're still friends...but she's married now, and her husband knows all about it.
  12. Not to be pedantic, but isn't the lyric, "calm like a bomb", not "as a bomb"? IE no rhyme time.
  13. Yep, NCAA probably would have canceled the season and just given us the trophy.
  14. Not even sure how to respond to this, other than to say...why do you think some of us wanted to leave to join the PAC-10 or Big 10 back in the day? I haven't seen anyone here claim that the Big 12 was a dream academic conference. As for conferences being about sports...duh but guess what...most of us didn't play sports (I mean, I was on the power lifting team at UT, but I don't think that counts since it's not a scholarship sport), we played school, so we like to be associated with other top schools.
  15. Yes, and no. Counter protesting is fine (again I think protests are generally a waste of time), as long as you're not just yelling to drown out the protestors' message. That's anti-speech in my opinion. Counter protests should be held at a seperate location. Ideas are not necessarily bad...even hateful ones...acting on bad ideas is the problem. I've read Mein Kampf and Das Kaptial, yet I am neither a Nazi nor a Marxist. Just as drag shows don't turn kids gay, screaming "death to America" isn't going to turn someone into an Islamist unless they already have those inclinations.
  16. 1. I don't think Williams is that talented. Talented, yes. Win 1 or 2 games more with him talented? I doubt it at UT, but not ou. 2. I agree with Rod Babers...you know, the one among them that has actually played high-level football....DB is a much greater need. I could see Jayvion Cole being a difference maker.
  17. We've proven we can win the NC in any conference; we don't need the SEC to play good football. On the flip side, name a good academic institution in the SEC aside from Vandy? Maybe Florida?
  18. Is logic not your strong suit? Pretty easy to follow...free speech is an American (IE Patriotic) ideal...so let them say whatever they want. You don't need to like what they say...in fact, that's the point. Black cops work KKK rallies all the time without reacting. That's being a patriot...
  19. But isn't this just exercise of free speech? I don't like it, but I don't think shouting them down makes someone more of a patriot...in fact it might make you less of one TBH
  20. Can you post some of these supposed quotes where Bobby and Gerry say Texas can't compete for a NC without getting Williams?
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