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Restless Native

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Everything posted by Restless Native

  1. That's just like...your opinion, man.
  2. Let me know when you decide to do it, because I would take off from work to see that.
  3. No Soros? No AOC? Try harder, Vlad.
  4. "just study history." -Donald J. Trump This simulation has completely doubled back on itself.
  5. "It is now a fact that my campaign was spied on." He truly believes that if he repeats things enough, they will become facts.
  6. I was a fan. It seemed like he would start off every discussion by saying he was a conservative, and the more he spoke, the more it seemed like he was out to prove himself wrong.
  7. I don't think y'all understand. A guy killed a lady in NYC. Checkmate.
  8. Hey law dogs, I was thinking that if Palin would've won, and Times v. Sullivan got squashed, that would have unintended long-term consequences for fucksticks like Hannity and Tucker. Seems like every time they would have one of their little non-truth implications, that they could then be sued. Sorry for any butchering of legal terms; whatever a layperson is, I'm a little below that.
  9. I'm going to have to walk away from this thread. I'm so mad at America right now.
  10. Those familiar with Donald Trump's thinking say that he is an imbecile.
  11. I'll never understand how someone could live nearly 8 decades in New York City, in the top 1% economically, and never even pick up a shred of class or refinement.
  12. I guess all young white guys turn into old white guys in the end.
  13. I racist garbage, huh? It's becoming self-aware.
  14. Can you imagine wanting to be Trump's VP? The last one nearly got hung.
  15. In this case, it feels like both. I mean, should anybody who actually lives in Austin be represented by Chip Roy?
  16. I'm living proof. I live in South Austin, and I'm in the same Congressional district as the people who live in fucking Leakey.
  17. Wow. I knew that I supported abortion, but had no idea that my support was rampid.
  18. Well they would certainly stay warm a lot longer.
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