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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. I mean it is hard to show the 2006 Rose Bowl so many times over a 12 year span
  2. What do you think the ags post 8&4 doing?
  3. I was told Stewart wasn't leaving.... https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3422953
  4. Skeletor sucks but yeah he should be there.
  5. I will like the SEC for the periodic games with Alabama, Georgia, and LSU. Stealing aggy lunch money and getting to torment them in perpetuity is a bonus. I wish we would have joined the Pac-12 with Tech and OSU in 2012 rather than pumping this shitbox up with agonizing life like we did. Nashville is literally the only city on the travel circuit you would voluntarily spend money to visit if it wasn't for a football game and even the football game in Nashville is going to suck.
  6. Even with shitty refs how in the absolute fuck did we only post 3 2nd half points against this shitstack?
  7. Didn't those dumbshits have a thread going on about their players digestive system woes as a possible cause for their poor play earlier this year? I think we can confirm this river of fried shit would not lead to peak athletic performance.
  8. This conference sucks Water is wet
  9. I'm good with never playing them with Big 12 refs ever again.
  10. Just need to beat Tceh and have Gundy not man down vs the Mormons and this game won't mean shit.
  11. Hope Michigan skull fucks them then we get to hear the pantywaists cry for the next 6 weeks. Still if Moore doesn't locate his balls and figure out the forward pass is necessary the Buckeyes will win easily.
  12. This is why the ags will forever be a middling program. They should have gotten the regents approval to remove Bilbo after their pull my yang weedeater bowl appearance. That way Bilbo can keep the early NSD class together and you have ample time to interview candidates who have obligations into early January. Instead like usual they took the torch to their leverage and now are going to have to settle for a lesser candidate or keep quiet past early NSD if they are trying to pick someone CFP affiliated.
  13. Ohio State should be begging the ags to hire Ryan Day. He somehow fucking sucked with the only legit QB that school has ever produced.
  14. Yeah I actually prefer Hoboken to NYC this checks out
  15. We hit the 20th anniversary earlier this year. My handle on 12thFan.com was Fran's Uhaul shortly after that game lol
  16. Imagine some bitchass Rangers fans having a fraction of a collection like this haha Eat ass Arlington!
  17. Naw make him hire Mahzahn and Chizik to be coordinators this time around. Aggy natty fo sho
  18. That aggy may hire SS Rum Runner's replacement to replace Bilbo is definitely some high grade comedy. It might not be on the Dabo/Prime/Kiffin/Riley level but I'll take it! Soundtrack already out there
  19. It's inevitable on road games vs the marquee teams which is why I still think this team is likely headed to the 37-45 range on the season.
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