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Everything posted by TankedBevo

  1. A 6'6 WR with good hands will get the best of a lot of really good dbs. No one in the conference has what we have.
  2. My FSgo stream cut out right around the 7th inning. Tried to access from my phone and my parents login, no luck. Hopefully today is the last broadcast on this shitty network.
  3. BC is our best recruiter by far, but if we're talking strictly coaches then it's hard to argue against Beck.
  4. TankedBevo

    Dallas | BBQ

    Started working in South dallas about a month ago so I headed to Lockhart for the first time this week. Everything expressed in this thread is true. It's just....okay.
  5. Your first mistake is assuming they cleaned anything in that place
  6. He does, he'd come in to the shop just to hang out and play video games for a few hours and I got to meet him. I got a signed Blackjack speed shop shirt from Tim for my three year old lol. I haven't had the luxury but my brother's been to a few cookouts at Tim's house too, super cool guy
  7. As much as I love stealing Bru away I'm a little saddened that Clays incompetence has lead USC down this road and is likely to get much worse before it gets better. College football is better when USC is good, and I've heard likewise from SC fans regarding us during the doldrums that was the Charlie Strong era.
  8. They pump up Jimbo's one and only NC like it's fucking pre-ordained to happen again (see: Mack Brown) and using said championship as a yet another dick measure, while completely ignoring the fact that both have the same amount as a coach in any capacity. Fucking knobs.
  9. Best bet is 5 mile app, Craigslist or something similar would be my guess.
  10. No keep the original and photoshop the crying jordan eyes over gavin's
  11. There's never a conflict with aggy about fellating Bama, that's the option they'd choose. "At least he didn't end up with the sips and wound up at the flagship powerhouse of the Esheeesee WHOOP!"
  12. If this whole thing plays out to our advantage I WILL be holding a Bru-B-Q this weekend.
  13. Pork belly burnt ends from yesterday off the vision grill: Used Aaron Fanklin's pork rub recipe and Jess Pryles' how-to found here. Super easy, delicious and will be a regular fixture as soon as my arteries unclog. Side note, I think the burnt ends weren't as "sticky" as I'd imagined because I used a vinegar based bbq sauce instead of molasses based. I'll switch it next time I make them for sure.
  14. Didn't Demas retweet Hamm's bullshit article though? Doesn't sound like nothing. Let's get Omeire and be done with this shit already.
  15. The Lindbergs hanging out with the Littles makes me want to cringe.
  16. Also, didn't Jake get mono or some shit and drop another 30 pounds to an already light frame? It's be hard to gain that weight back and contribute, especially since he was having trouble gaining weight in the first place.
  17. EJ would have the reach advantage but I'm pretty sure Hamm has radical Larry type powers due to his stature and the fact he might have a touch of the regards
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