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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. P Terry’s sucks hopdoddy fries are terrible
  2. Why / how can a plane land and not have an open gate? It isn’t a surprise that a plane is landing. This happens far too often.
  3. Polling shows Biden ahead because only the olds have landlines
  4. Here is a better chart but similar sentiment.
  5. Was quoting myself as I still think no trade deal is done. No trade deal will be bad for markets. China market is already on edge and US market is looking for any reason to sell off. The Fed won’t raise rates but not cutting either.
  6. How many failed coup attempts are we going to support?
  7. Cross posting with trump economy thread
  8. AOC and her group will be a force in the presidential election
  9. De-platforming works. I’d argue that the internet communities have enabled the uptick in violence. Will leave the political commentary at the door.
  10. I am a few years younger but was in the same situation. I bought in Hyde Park, because it is the only neighborhood that is somewhat walkable. You pay for the area but really aren’t benefits imo besides semi-walkable and even then it is minimally walkable. Super happy I bought but the cost is way higher. Lot more renters in Hyde Park too. I think from an investment standpoint, my rationale was that if I moved it would be easier to make this a rental property than other areas. Happy to answer any questions.
  11. *punches self in the dick* and continues to debate with right wing troll. The thread is about trump’s economy and tax cuts are a signature achievement. Re: deregulation is always trotted out when there is no empirical evidence. Best way would be to look into industries that have seen deregulation and see if there is a significant uptick but there are so many other factors that would be hard to say deregulation caused the uptick. If you read the blackrock link, the majority of capex spend is from the IT / tech sector which hasn’t been impacted by deregulation. Coal has been part of the deregulation push but continues to shrink because the industry isn’t economical so deregulation has only increased profits not growth or investment in this example.
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