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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. ass-ume - suppose to be the case, without proof. :)
  2. Hey man. I'm flattered you would quote me, but you were on the wrong thread. Here's the link to the one you meant. Be nice to Black Frank. He has not been the same since the Houston Race Shooting Hoax.
  3. Victim blaming is back in style? Can we confirm whether or not one of them is "white Hispanic" or homosexual so I can know how to be outraged?
  4. Thanks. I did a quick search and came across the Baltimore Sun article quoting two other students that doubted her - basically she stated to them she wanted to help Adnan and given him an alibi. Speculating of course, but IIRC he was a very popular and charismatic kid. If he was in the library, I think there would have been multiple people that could have corroborated her story. On the attorney, I realize she was having a breakdown, but she was no PD, so despite her own personal issues, I assume she still would have had a commensurate staff of assistants, investigators, etc., that would have vetted Asia.
  5. Kyle

    Sam Ehlinger

    That's where I fall. Let's be honest - Title IX will forever make paying college athletics impossible. I thought the same thing as you: their payment is their free education and all the perks (housing, food, etc.) but feels reasonable to give them a percentage of jersey sales, etc. But Title IX will squash that too most likely.
  6. Could you be so kind to remind me - why was Asia's testimony excluded from the original trial? Did she provide an alibi at that time (of the trial), or did she come out later?
  7. It seems like for about 25 years Dallas has been one election away from going full Detroit.
  8. I plowed through the entire History of Rome ... good stuff. Just could not fight through Revolutions but did know out a couple. By the end of Rome, my son would say: "Welcome ... to the History of [farts, butts, turds, etc.]"
  9. Praise the Lord. I was starting to shake - need an anecdotal outrage fix.
  10. Where shall I send the rent check?
  11. Never thought I'd see ole cinque label abortion as racism. Good for you. I won't tell - you might lose your brown shirt.
  12. Sometimes a cigar is a cigar and not worth anecdotal outrage. If we kicked every kid out of college with a Che Guevera shirt we would run out of coffee servers.
  13. Kyle

    Gym Pet Peeves

    1. Are people at the gym crushing their workouts so hard that they just lack the energy both to use the trash can and to return weights? I went to piss last night, and there were literally 10 wadded up paper towels by the sink. And I see wadded up paper towels, dry cleaner hangers, and other trash all over the locker room. Are you too freaking lazy to throw anything away? 2. Guys who act like their Wal-Mart gym bag is a Louis Vuitton and cannot be on the floor. Instead of taking up a spot with bag on teh floor between his legs, guy has it on the bench like he does not want to get it dirty. Every freaking day.
  14. Guessing there is a pretty clear line between the redefinition and the evolvement of racism as a problem to be solved versus a tool to be weaponized.
  15. Agreed. Discussion of racism does not make me uncomfortable. Discussion of racism with cinque does not make me uncomfortable either but it is exhausting: constantly moving goalposts, absolutes, and vapor accusations. Like health care, everybody wants to make improvements but too many are invested in the status quo to really want to change it.
  16. I celebrate his entire catalogue.
  17. So much amazement in this story ... - Numbnuts thought here car was vandalized - The leap to "it must be a 'hate' crime" - Newsweek gave it validity by actually covering it with the requisite "there was racial tension 50 years ago so it must be true" angle Sometimes I don't fault folks for being deluded when this is what counts as legitimate news.
  18. Warning ... about to make a blanket statement. Agree 100%. From my very limited POV, much of broad social media outrage is not supported by data or analytics. On occasion, when one does find an underlying study, often when one digs into the details, either it does not support the conclusion or the way it was done was designed to reveal a pre-conceived result. This feels like a Smollett - make a wild ass claim and then demand some payoff to go away or get a concession.
  19. Sounds like this girl might have made the entire thing up: https://blacksportsonline.com/2019/02/ex-baylor-lb-shawn-oakman-found-not-guilty-of-rape-details-on-deleted-text-messages-recovered-from-accuser-witnesses-contradicting-her-story-that-led-to-his-acquittal-pics-vids/ I get the Baylor hate, but given there have been two convictions, three arrests I do wonder how the racial dynamics come to play here. You have poor, young black men being accused of raping middle-class / upper-class white women. I wonder if the roles are reversed this is not convered differently.
  20. He responded to "Slim Charles."
  21. I thought the same thing. I was after he had abducted her twice, and he calls and she's like "hey B." I would have expected if that was a bleep for "fucking bastard," but she was all sweet and glad to catch up. She must have been horny given her hubby likes the D.
  22. Apple problems. A delete feature would be a nice addition to the board.
  23. FWIW, I had no idea GameStop created so much misery in the world. Is it the new Blockbuster?
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