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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. Yale beats Harvard for a third of the title.
  2. You think Corso understood that they were celebrating 30 years of road shows? Or did he think it was his 30th birthday again?
  3. Not even Aggy would be stupid enough to hire a guy who has lost 6 straight in his first season of P5 coaching. I don't care how many t-shirts or sunglasses he would sell. The media idiots who put bull junk like this out there(SAS) are not doing Deion any favors.
  4. First Thursday night game worth watching since week 1.
  5. Saw a scene today, where the driver who had the green light got tired of waiting on the drivers turning left and he basically said F it. The dude squeezed through maybe a 6-inch gap between a diesel truck and a car. Hell of a way to prove a point.
  6. At one time I thought Draymond was Rodman without all the crazy and an offense. Turns out he is just crazier and more annoying than Rodman.
  7. 5 games for going all Stacey Koon on poor little Rudy! That's all he got? That is some bullshit. Absolutely no reason to choke that man like that. And PB is absolutely right about KAT. How the fuck can you stand there and let a teammate get choked out?
  8. Mattress Mack just throwing shit on the wall and letting it stick.
  9. LOL. Mark Davis doesn't understand what the Raider way is.
  10. Houston Texans, Houston Texans, Houston Texans are number 1!!!! Luv Deep Steel Blue!!!!
  11. I think so, too. But maybe he wants to cash in. He won't get Jimbo money, but he could squeeze them for 40-50 million. That's enough for the grandkids, grandkids. I didn't realize those idiots had given Jimbo a raise. Just dumb.
  12. Caleb can wow you and make you say why the fuck did you do that all on the same play. Drafting him #1 is going to be extremely risky.
  13. All he does is catch Touchdowns and Firstdowns!
  14. #4 from USC just got embarrassed. He had no idea where the receiver was. Why the hell would you go for 2?
  15. Next year when it's the Big10 After Dark, it won't be the same.
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