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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. According to NBA radio, he averaged 13ppg and shot 38% on 3s last season. That should have been enough to get a look from some of the teams who are sitting at home right now
  2. Hard to believe nobody wanted him, if he was healthy.
  3. Would Boston be in this situation if they had suspended Ime for just half the season ?
  4. But he said he'd give him a ride. Anyone on Surly can get a free ride but @PenelopeWitherspoon. That trifling heifer is on her own. I would Groverat spend the night and indoctrinate my kids before I let that heifer darken my doorstep,
  5. I want to apologize @Pancho, for making it personal. We don't have to agree politically but I should not have made it personal. We can just agree to disagree and move on. I don't want people to think we as black men can't have civil conversations. I don't want people to think that we as men can't have disagreements. I can and should have done better. We can and do have them all the time. My conversations with you are no different than the ones I had with family. But that was family and private. So if for some crazy ass reason, you called me for a ride, I would come get you. I'm gonna talk shit, but I'm coming. I shouldn't have taken it to that level. And for that, I apologize. And I'm fine if you don't accept my apology. It's all good. I wish you nothing but the best going forward., champ. My oldest is hosting a campout and they are arguing about trivial kid shit. So as I am trying to give him/them advice, I need to listen to my own words. Now with that being said, all you lap dogs, who are quoting me or responding to some shit from 2-3 days ago, GO FUCK YOURSELVES. I said what I said and your flip-flopping (you know who you are) is not going to change my mind or matter to me. And I would expect the same from you if it was me doing it. So don't waste your time but more importantly, don't waste my time. Be like @mdmost or @Bozo_Casanova ignore it and/or move the fuck on. Ron DeSantis 2024. That's for you @PenelopeWitherspoon
  6. So Andrew gets no love at all?
  7. Nice one, Karen. I didn't call you a cunt because you are a woman. I don't know how you identify. And don't care. I called you a cunt because you were acting like one. Men can be cunts too. Look at some of your fellow posters, who are yapping at me for attention like one of those damn rat dogs. Take it for what it is. Wow. That was beautiful and so touching. It really was. And if I hadn't heard some version of the same whiny, mealy mouth 'they all racists' so many times I've lost count, I might take you seriously. So who wrote that for you? Rev Al, Roland, Kendi, Elie? Doesn't matter, you all serve the same massa. And what's the point of coming here and regurgitating the same shit about Republicans that you and the other 99 posters in front of me have said? Unless I reply to a post arguing differently then I don't need to qualify my thoughts so you or anyone can feel better. And you are a soft-serve negro. When a senile old fool tells you some bullshit like 'they're going to put you back in chains' or 'jim crowe 2.0, you slurp it. Without any thought as to how the hell is that actually going to happen. You're his perfect patsy.
  8. Yea, me saying that the R's were going to give Ice Cream Cone 4 more years was really hot. You're the stereotypical progressive cunt who can't stand any differing opinions. Being called an Uncle Tom by an internet clown like you is a badge of honor. One thing you are right about. There is no time for civil discourse with progressive cunts like you. You bitches are too emotionally wrecked.
  9. I mean if you had to choose, that's better than voting for Hillary Clinton. Now that definitely would be something shameful. Probably explains why certain posters are so pissy, trying to make up for that embarrassment.
  10. No, I did not. My vote is worth more than some symbolic bullshit. He could only be POTUS but his bills could last my lifetime. Immigration Energy policy Domestic policy Etc.
  11. And you are a first-class, chickenshit racist dumbass. It's all good though. You can't help but be who you are.
  12. Biden is Trump with a D behind his name. Look at all the shit he did while in office. But it's ok because he patronizes the soft serves.
  13. Do you have any idea how long I have been hearing that same fear-mongering bullshit? Save it for someone who is not comfortable in their skin and needs that affirmation. I was raised better than that.
  14. It's been years since I said anything about voting for the GOP. What I keep saying is stop trying to sell that bullshit of Democrat policies are better. When you look at those policies and how they have served the people they claim to represent, how can you not question that? Unless of course your are more interested in pushing that political agenda than actually helping. Black, White, Brown, Red or Yellow, I don't care who you vote for. But just be honest about your chickenshit politics. Barack and Biden were crooked chickenshit mofos, so of course they were perfect for each other. If you actually took the time to follow anything other than Democrat talking points there are plenty of black Barack critics. The same type that you love to parrot when their politics fit your goal.
  15. No I do disagree. I grew up under a republican/conservative house. There is a distinct difference, and it is even more obvious today. And I grew up with yellow dog democrats who lived through segregation and integration. Que Sera, Sera. Not even close
  16. We can do this all night, dumbass https://www.americanprogress.org/article/3-ways-1994-crime-bill-continues-hurt-communities-color/
  17. I know that neither party has the best interest of blacks or any minorities in their platform. But if you try to sell on the Dems being better, we will absolutely not agree. Deep down you know it.
  18. Nah Bitch don't back down. You were all for calling me an Uncle Tom, earlier. Come on with it. Let's have some fun.
  19. Might as well. I'm sure you would prefer the other word but are too cowardly to use it on the internet. Need those internet points, right? That's who you are. Just another chickenshit racist, who only uses minorities to push your bullshit politics. The only white supremacists here are people like you and Biden. You are not nor will you ever be better than me simply because you are white. Sell that bullshit to one of those useless negroes you can goad with fearmongering. Fuck you, right back.
  20. Man, I understand that we will never be on the same page(thankfully) in politics. But if you don't understand how Biden is a chickenshit racist, then you really are a soft-serve ice cream negro. This clown wrote and proudly admitted to two of the most detrimental crime bills in America. They were not just locking up criminals, they were locking up regular black people! Fucking up families! The effects are still being felt today. That's not what the communities asked for at all. How the F do you excuse that? How the F do you excuse his fight against integration? Something his own VP called him out for? Before she bent the knee. I don't care how many tokens or half-assed apologies he threw out the damage was done. Man, don't ever question my blackness while you slurping Democrat dick.
  21. Calling me a Fascist is the ultimate emotional, word salet bullshit there is. If you actually knew what a Fascist was, then you would understand how stupid you look. But that is asking too much from Cloak Room loonies. @mdmost I'm out. You can have your board back.
  22. Not "anti-anything'? Really? Do you live in Texas, because you'll probably love my follow up question. https://www.facebook.com/XAVIAER/photos/a.212394730992521/407983281433664/?type=3 If this is what you mean, then I'm with DeSantis. Depending on my child's age, he/she is not ready for that. That's what parents are for. I understand the war with Disney, because they got a little too mouthy. But both sides need to sit down and work it out. Disney does not want to leave Florida and Florida does not want Disney to leave. Be adults on both sides. Instead of going to Japan or Iowa, stay home and talk to Disney. Don't have a problem with any of those. And you wouldn't either if you actually read the bills. But I don't expect you to be bothered with those minute details. https://www.facebook.com/XAVIAER/photos/a.212394730992521/407983281433664/?type=3 Still don't have a problem with making some books age appropriate.
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