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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. The biggest shithead in all this is McAfee. This shows that he has no business even on a pissy network like ESPN. He needs to go back to YouTube or wherever he was.
  2. Writing a check in Sam's in 2023/2024..What the fuck are you doing, old ass lady?
  3. Amazon wants me to start paying $2.99 because they decided to show shitty football games like this.
  4. I trust Hannah to get it figured out. While Cal is somewhere playing whack a mole.
  5. 12th man, all of them, should step up. One last chance to relive those glory days.
  6. It's pretty good. First time drinking it, as far as I can remember.
  7. No bitching this year. Just the wife and kids. I get to enjoy an early Xmas beer. Merry Christmas, assholes. Thanks for all the laughs.
  8. That sammich would back up the stereotype that white people don’t use seasoning.
  9. Why can't I just get fat and drunk so she does not want to do business with me anymore?
  10. Wife was 42 when she had her 2nd. So probably on the border line. It's her last if I have anything to say about it. I did it weird. My oldest (daughter) is 25. And I thought I was done until I got married. The Oldest boy is 10. And I thought we were done. #3 is definitely a wow we still got it baby. Craziness..she has joked around about wanting a daughter. I told her to get a dog.
  11. All this talk about Tyreek. But what about the woman who marries a dude with all those kids? She kinda dumb. And then they have kids. Does she realize that he won't play forever? Based on her Instagram, they are not smart financial choices. So what happens when the money runs out? Down the road, there is going to be a lot of fuckery.
  12. Had. He's over 1 now. Nah, don't have the millions, but I do have 2 older kids to 'babysit'. The scariest part for me was wondering if I would have the energy for a baby. And I can forget about retiring at 60.
  13. And there I was stressing over having a baby at 49/50, LOL. Shit, I got a long way to go.
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