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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Use this landing page if you just want the OP with the comments minimized. https://ontexasfootball.com/news/
  2. The sub pays for the YouTube OTF fwiw. Instead of letting YT take 50% of subs as a platform fee. Like I said before. That site isn’t for talking about anything it’s for reading the OP and asking clarifying questions not interacting with the other members.
  3. I mean this clearly has nothing to do with Palestine anymore. Just like BLM had nothing to do with equality after the riots started.
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha direct translation for those who can’t read Spanish: one question please. Where is Milwaukee? We are really hungry for vaigan food.
  5. What does this have to do with public policy?
  6. So the OPs are the main thing on that site not the comments section.
  7. No dude. They aren’t comparable that’s the point. The point isn’t that they both suck and one just sucks less. It’s that one is an actual bad person, who does bad things, with ill intent and nothing but personal gain in mind. The other is just a lifelong politician. They are categorically not the same. Trump is a through and through bad person. The only praise he offers is inflammatory and in support of oppression, pain and suffering. Seriously the guy cannot even muster the ability to wish everyone everywhere a happy holiday.
  8. Being stupid isn’t why those posts were bad and you know it. It’s just easy to pick on.
  9. Your first post plus this one to back it up are really not good. Your point of Joe Biden being a piece of shit politician and bullshit artist are completely drowned out by comparing him to Trump, who is not a lifelong politician. Trump is in every way incomparable to Biden on this front. Trump actually, on live TV that nearly everyone in the US watched daily to hear the leader of the country give an update on the life altering global pandemic that was happening said to inject bleach because it kills covid. That’s a supreme level of stupid we will never surpass and is a fair and fine representation of the standard communication and messaging from him, it’s not an outlier it’s the norm. Biden has some moments in sure he has been caught bullshitting or pandering. He’s a politician it’s part of the game and he’s played it for longer than damn near everyone alive at this point, but you miss the point that he RETIRED. HE DIDNT WANT TO DO ANY OF THIS SHIT. Imagine being in Joe Bidens position right now where all he wants to do is be senile eat ice cream and creepily smell his grandkids heads, but no some lunatic wants to actually name himself dictator so he has to come out of retirement to win an election with his mush brain to save America from itself because no one else in the Democratic Party can actually swallow the shit pill of being president of everyone, not just the people that voted for him. Hillary Clinton’s deplorables comment is a good representation of why most democratic candidates put forward are incapable of doing what Joe Biden did. Joe Biden has yet to reject anything but the negative ideals that some people may support and hasn’t outright rejected any American in any of his campaigning, to do that in a country of 300M+ there is a requirement to pander. I’d bet a ton of money on Joe Biden being absolutely fucking miserable, but feeling a sense of duty and responsibility to the country that he’s seen do so much good in his life that he’s going to fucking die in office instead of in obscurity with his family. Joe was doing what everyone wants trump to do. Fuck off, but because trump is a piece of shit human and the biggest attention whore of modern times we can’t just have a normal election based on pandering and politics.
  10. Just tell them and move on. We don’t need a whole god damned thread derail or subthread within a thread about it. Regardless of the intent behind the people posting the videos the videos unless that are ai generated or are not from a campus/the national protests then they may be edited to show the worst but that’s just part of it. There aren’t exactly many peaceful images at this time.
  11. Stop being shitheads. no one is checking their fucking twitter sources stop acting like your obscure fucking knowledge of who is a propagandist and is a shit poster in twitter is widely known or followed by everyone. keep the discussion focused on the campus events. Stop the extra discussion, this thread cannot handle it because tempers are too high. Stop the ad hominem attacks on each other and focus commentary on the events that are unfolding.
  12. This thread needs to get back on topic. I don't have time to clean it up right now, but this is not a CR thread. This is about the national protests, their developments and the current status of them. @PRONG HORN your tweets without the commentary are fine so long as the message in the tweet is not politically related/doesn't add political commentary. There is nothing wrong with posting videos of stuff that does not represent the protesters in a positive manner, that's not what this is about. It's about tying that somehow to the election or any political office or candidate. None of that is relevant to this discussion in this thread. @HotSauce is on a vacation and if they go on another unhinged rant like this thread they are permabanned.
  13. Is this the Jay Hartzell thread? What thread should all the last 2 pages go to? Splitting it out now and making up a title, can merge with another if needed.
  14. This isn't true - I think there is confusion on the argument here. Some people are arguing that there is justification in this because they don't like the content of the protest or the way the protest is happening I will moderate accordingly thanks for doing this.
  15. Yeah dude, interest rates have been raised like 3 times since then...financing anything now is gonna suck.
  16. Watch the video above. They hide behind faux intellectualism and being alpha and in control of their own life/destiny to oppress and write off women and their opinions/rights as humans. It’s completely psychotic.
  17. We didn’t have a choice to make those billions of dollars. We had to do it. lol (kidding obviously)
  18. This is too much for me, but that would be incredible. Pretty sure you can’t open carry on campus though.
  19. I’m curious to how they can even bring supporting character witnesses in. They can all be proven to be completely full of shit on cross rather easily. Trump is indefensible and they have him pretty dead to rights on the charges here.
  20. I don’t think this is the case. Women haven’t all of the sudden become more selective. some of you really have never interacted with the Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate/Stephen Crowder types have you? It’s fucking brutal even for other men who aren’t incels to tolerate them let alone women.
  21. Yeah this should turn into an unrelated protest called the “We will not be silenced under any circumstance” protest. It should remove anything off the agenda except first amendment rights being clearly trampled on and assaulted.
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