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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dilligas

  1. Yep that could be the dream crusher right there.
  2. Bought 50 acres between Sonora and the Devils River recently that I hope to retire on within 5 years. Don’t think I’ll have any Cali or yankee neighbors. They can have the Hill Country, good luck with finding water. Just about every time on the way back I’m seeing California plates heading east.
  3. You see Ingram run you stupid overpaid fuckin idiots?!
  4. Could have swore there was a hot running back recruit at the game and the running game was gonna be featured. Shows what I know.
  5. Who is this Ingram guy? Seems to be quite proficient running the ball.
  6. I was wondering if this was a replay of aggy/uk, but that was SEC defense in play
  7. Fuckin Trump is the man, too bad he wasn’t around to help that dude carrying the case of beer over his head during Katrina. Or is he telling the mexcan to get over the fence?😂
  8. The high school game on the duece is better than either of the pro games, IMO
  9. Y’all take your slap fight to PM or whatever that newfangled stuff is. 😎
  10. Glad I’m not the only one disappointed in this season. From kneeling to “uncles” in recruiting it was too fucking serious. I get that shit here on Surly.
  11. I don’t believe Super Bill was there until 66 or so. I’ll ask him about it tomorrow when I see him.
  12. Man I was thinking of doing the same thing on the 50 acres I just bought between Sonora and the Devils River. That or a Yurt
  13. Seems kind of fun? I could play the “teenage son”, but 40 years older.
  14. I would like to say Fuck you very much and see you on the other side Sincerely DILLIGAS
  15. Balls Against Scrotums! NTTAWWT
  16. Now that’s what I want to hear Mensa say Monday.
  17. Dilligas


    Have had 2, prep is definitely the worst part. Both times on the bed talking to the drug doc about football and the next thing I know I’m waking up in the recovery room. Clear for next 10 years. Whatever they use, it’s the best drugs ever
  18. What if the absolute bottom of the barrel happens this weekend? Horns lose, aggy wins. Over/under on suicides, banners, etc. go
  19. Talked to Super Bill tonight about the article and he thought it was pretty accurate. Other than Bill Little coining the “super” part. Said it was Doak Walker who said they should put an “S” on his jersey.
  20. I’m usually not that affected by videos I see. I was cool with her dropping a deuce down the wall. But flinging it at the freakin paki money taker took me by surprise I must say.
  21. Had two hours of sweet thunder, lightning and some wind 10 miles south of Blanco last night. Rancher in the area said he had 2.1 inches. Almost had to engage heated seats this morning 😂
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