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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dilligas

  1. Depends on 2nd half coin toss I think
  2. And unfortunately there will be no change no matter what
  3. Thank goodness this ain’t the Mack days then 😀. Truly different then for sho
  4. Yep neither of these teams are impressive to say the least. No reason Texas shouldn’t blow out KSU
  5. I dunno, the broadcast he did from Bama sidelines with the MOC was pretty fuckin good. I’ll be watching
  6. Yeah I don’t understand this shit, they’ll bring in Murphy to hand off and run out the clock.
  7. Time for Ewers/Worthy/Mitchell/Sanders/Whittington to wreck shit dammit
  8. What a fucking idiotic coaching staff for WVU
  9. I dunno, wouldn’t kicking a FG be more disrespectful? You play the game until it’s over and give the other team the opportunity to stop you. Which they did
  10. It took these dumb duck announcers long enough to realize it may be a forward pass
  11. And people were saying Sark needed an extension😀 after last week
  12. Thinking Texas should be ranked around 15 honestly after this mess
  13. I believe the Tulsa QB jut threw his 3rd interception. Of the 1st quarter
  14. Fuck the eagles tonight and always, including their convict fans
  15. Now is when I want access to a longhorn centric tv program dammit. Guess I’ll see if I can find it online
  16. To Sark, I love you. Please forgive me for doubting your 2nd half prowess. You are no longer Steve Lostagain to me, no matter what CTJ says.
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