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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. For the most part if they can determine county of residence. Hospital numbers do not take county into account unless the county breaks that out in local reporting. Sounds like El Paso was primed by unhealthy people and their friends and relatives behaving badly.
  2. Already are. They’re trying to bring them into Central Texas too. And that is also part of the problem. And it’s difficult to extrapolate our US figures and say we are going to do worse as a whole due to this surge. Many of the hotspots weren’t hit originally. See our midwest states and southern Italy for example. The rest of Texas isn’t looking like El Paso yet. There maybe some herd immunity effect in our other large cities that were hit hard over the summer. The only decent play I can see is to hold out with common sense measures until a vaccine is available and effective. And that’s if you don’t tank your economy and society in the meantime.
  3. Stop being reasonable. This is Surly. Either everyone is going to die or noone is. You either bunker up or get Oktoberfest going. Extremes man, extremes!!!
  4. Obesity is an incredibly complex process and the variables that play into it are mind boggling (bottling). Y’all make some good points but it’s going to take a hard, substantial, multidisciplinary national effort to reel this problem back in. And yes, we have to get big food out of our government (no CR).
  5. Probably 90+% of cases I see are traceable. There’s a few head scratchers and I believe a lot these patients when they tell me they do the right thing and still get it. It’s just not that predictable.
  6. It warms my heart that stories like this can blow away the CR atmosphere and bring all of Surly together.
  7. So you’re saying you took on the persona of the Longhorn football team?
  8. Anybody with more than 2* recruits playing Herman can really coach.
  9. Travis the now ex priest straight up looks like the guy that would play an evil demon possessed priest in a B horror movie. Devil’s Advocate stuff in real life.
  10. Exactly. These death rate comparisons are apples to oranges. Well, more like apples to Deep Fried Twinkies. We are a nation that wallows in the trough of gluttony and slothfulness and we wonder why we are all dying. Take a look at the death rates from heart disease and cancer. It makes Covid look like a minor league franchise. Our poor life choices and denial have set us up for health disasters. We’re softer than Texas playing Tech.
  11. Do you get extremist when you get beat with the genetic ugly stick? Holy Moly!
  12. What does shaking not to the core look like?
  13. 360 plus hp and torque. Easily modded to 500 +. Known to be reliable and inexpensive to maintain. But thanks for the uninformed opinion.
  14. Probably wouldn’t have so many whiny fans if he actually coached to his $5 million dollar salary and actually you know..... won.
  15. 19 posts until Critical Race Theory shows up. You’re slacking.
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