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Everything posted by PRONG HORN

  1. A bunch of nutty Ruskies make this just a little bleedier. starts @ :30 Album version
  2. Phone yes PC no. Phone still has 1.2k etc. PC shows no post numbers at all as of 11:22.
  3. On the larger threads it still says 1k, 2k, etc. rather than the actual number of posts.
  4. Yes, we need to know how many posts the latest page on any thread is up to. That determines if I will open it or not a lot of the time.
  5. So all the footer talk is only for bobs? I won't be able to adjust my footer stuff because in the ACP and I'm not a bob? Will I ever be able to do footer stuff?
  6. I hope this was just an ecstatic "I'm at the beach" toe stretch. If not, you need to throw that lobster back in the sea.
  7. I don't mean fancy aquascaper stuff. How about a biotope inspired look? Sticks and leaves do lots of the work. Ugly is king and a pretty look is not the goal. It seems perfect for the guy that made that card.
  8. Yeah we know. If you're taking pics and learning about composition you could also learn about composition with your tanks. We want to see your plant composition.
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