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Everything posted by Genco

  1. I'm impressed the SoS office was able to get the full transcript out as quickly as they did. Reading along with the audio is exhausting. Must have taken Zapruder type scrutiny to get that incoherent rambling transcribed.
  2. There ya go. Who says you're not a great conversationalist? You fucking twat.
  3. I'm gonna hoof it back to the Excelsior. I've gotta take a wicked shit.
  4. Well aside from calling governors to pressure them to violate state and federal law it's totally kosher.
  5. Time to dust off the Fridays with Fran playbook. Counter subconscious espionage
  6. Raw Time around 1996/1997. Our phone provider in the dorms (Campus Link) rendered caller ID useless and we maximized every prank call opportunity. Those hosts must have been masochists.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of that screen old man. Click on Ticket Show Podcasts.
  8. The Jones family manages the roster like a fantasy football team to the detriment of the defense. And you're surprised the D is terrible?
  9. And a workhorse RB was available in the 2nd round, is a much better player than Zeke and costs $25MM less. And you would have gotten an all pro CB with the 4th pick. This isn't hindsight. It was widely discussed during the draft. But you're hellbent on justifying the Zeke pick despite all evidence to the contrary. And you accuse the Jones family of having a fantasy football mindset for roster construction? Edit: And Zeke is the sole reason that 2016 team went from 4-12 to 13-3? Anything else change from 2015?
  10. You don't spend the 4th pick in the draft on the most fungible position in football precisely because there's a strong likelihood they will be washed up by year 5. It was a complete goatfuck of a selection no matter the year.
  11. His properties are beautiful AND well located.
  12. Did Dan unfat himself with SOTA? I thought he just started exercising in addition to his diet. I guess it makes more sense than Norm and Bob doing addiction recovery spots.
  13. How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?
  14. It's no different than the resident assholes on this site saying Black people cannot be outraged by murderous cops until they solve Black on Black violence, protect the civil rights of Hong Kong citizens, and submit to all unjustified Deputy Redneck commands because Blue Lives Matter first and foremost. And after they've solved all of the world's problems, we'll eventually get to the issue of police reform but only for martyrs that don't have a misdemeanor on their record. Because fuck them if they do. Oh and the burden of rebutting a fake pedo charge or a fake Molotov cocktail circulating on social media? That's the responsibility of the deceased. Not the jerkoff stupid enough to be circulating the bogus info that holds the grievances of Black and Brown people in contempt. All of this should have been in the SOP manual. PM me your email address and I'll make sure you get a copy of the memo.
  15. Well except in the case of Rayshard Brooks. Then it's a deadly weapon that requires three shots in Mr. Brooks's back so the officer could just get home safely after his shift.
  16. And according to this chart from Mapping Police Violence you would be correct. The blue 'X's represent violent crime rates, red squares police shootings.
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