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Everything posted by Genco

  1. Dan was a great #2 on BaD but when he has to lead the show now we get 4 segments replaying last night's audio and the Killer comedy hour.
  2. Because Dan is a shitty lead host. He has to be riding side car to a more dominant voice and play off of them.
  3. Then why even bring up the pretext of a health hazard? And I'm having trouble reconciling your post about bad cops being a small % and your optimism of the good cops outnumbering the bad with your contention that a beat down is to be expected.
  4. Were both punches justified? If Sgt. American Hero is so concerned about HIV or Hep C (thereby justifying his actions), wouldn't striking the felonious assaulter in the mouth be inadvisable?
  5. Are you saying it's justified because it should be expected for LEOs to react in the worst way possible?
  6. Klages Found Guilty The video accompanying the article is worth the 8 minutes of your time.
  7. I would have wagered that you met the gordita behind a Golden Corral.
  8. I like Dan. He's grown on me over the years but his value to the station overwhelmingly was being a foil for straight laced, uptight Bob. His only other contributions to the show is replaying audio and attention whoring at big events (Super Bowl, Ticketstock). He's not a name his time slot talent.
  9. You're arguing with a group of posters that advocated signing Zeke during his holdout, who don't get the concept of limited resources in a hard cap league, and believe that every other QB in the conference is overrated or sucks. Keep up the good fight but it'd be more productive screaming the Pledge of Allegiance into a horse's rectum at the top of your lungs.
  10. This. Hyperbole is no substitute for preparation and Corby's sports intelligence doesn't lend itself to winging it. Even the non-sports segments are really suffering from Rhyner's absence. The Stars could play an east coast game 5 days a week and it wouldn't bother me.
  11. It was nonsensical when you posted it before. Repeating it doesn't lend it any gravitas.
  12. Ben Rothlisberger was never SB MVP (Ward and Holmes).
  13. They're not losing Cooper. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/26073422/nfl-cba-quirks-a-big-effect-2020-offseason
  14. No it makes perfect sense. Jerry is 77 and hired the best win now candidate as head coach only to retool the entire defense for a couple of years. Not to mention that Nolan has coached both 4-3 and 3-4. Plus 75%+ of the defensive snaps will be in nickel/dime packages. Nuclear stupidity.
  15. Uff, 3:00-7:00 just became unlistenable. Say what you will about Mike checking out a few years ago, he was still the glue that held that show together. He still played a valuable role in being the station voice of baseball, music, Dallas history, and the horny sexagenarian with early onset dementia. He made the show tolerable. Now, not so much. I like Danny but he's best in his dark cloud role sprinkling the show with his fun facts and stories of his Know City boxing friends. I don't expect the Ticket to carry afternoon drive anymore. They desperately need to find a third man in the booth
  16. The Departed also won Best Motion Picture in 2006. He didn't pick up the statue for producing it but if that's the criteria then he's only been nominated for Wolf of Wall Street and Hugo. He was hardly passed over for those two.
  17. Gruden could fire Mayock tomorrow morning so I'd say that Gruden has the GM power. Same with Belicheck and Andy Reid.
  18. See this illustrates exactly why this isn't a well constructed team. A disproportionate amount of the team's resources are allocated to the offense starting with a ridiculous market shattering contract for the most fungible position in football. $50MM guaranteed for 1,200 yards and 4.4 ypc...where can you find production like that? In the 7th round. While I applaud not succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy like the Cowboys front office and their dipshit fans (including many on this thread), I wouldn't let Cooper get away. He's physically not right the last three games and this passing offense goes nowhere without him.
  19. Oh so not missing games with injuries is a knock now....but for real, its just a stat that happens to be a fact. We all know we can have stats that show anything we want to say. Some people it seems like making excuses for facts Well Rodgers was drafted a year after Rivers and sat behind a HOF QB a season longer than Rivers had to. Statistically, Rodgers is a better QB than Rivers. Factually, he's orders of magnitude better than Dak. He's going to moonwalk into the HOF. The debate on his candidacy will take the committee about 10 seconds.
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