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Everything posted by Genco

  1. You're meaning to tell me that the guy with by far the most rushing attempts the last 4 years leads the league in accumulating rushing statistics?
  2. Yes Corby, the scoreboard at Cowboys Stadium is 10X the size of the board at the GiLF.
  3. It's a lot more than 3 which is kinda the point of all of these "unlawful" protests around the country.
  4. Do you communicate like a teenage girl in every aspect of your life? Passive aggressively lamenting how "we" should have done things differently, set up simple minded straw men and then refute arguments no one is making. Is that how it sounds in your head when you're talking to yourself?
  5. I'm going to need to see her arrest record from 20 years ago before I can make an informed decision. And whether she ever smoked weed in her life.
  6. Dallas took the opposite approach. Chief Brown introduced a policy granting a 72 hour cooling off period for the officer and allowing them to review any video footage of a shooting before making a statement. This was after a neighbor's security camera contradicted a cop's bullshit story about what happened when he shot a mentally ill man. Both officers lied on the arrest affidavit. The surveillance footage made the news, the cop was fired and charged with aggravated assault. But the policy was justified based on a "memory expert" who said cops needed proper rest in order to accurately recall a shooting incident. The memory expert was a law enforcement consultant.
  7. And the only one out of 1,684 stalls to have it. You seem strangely invested in banging your head against this wall. I hope you make some progress in whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.
  8. It seems like your issue is with the nascar folks who referred to it as a noose and set the FBI investigation in motion.
  9. Does the Financial Times have an anti-Astros bias?
  10. I'm questioning the validity of the officers' complaints in the first place. It gave the FOP an opportunity to bring out the old playbook, drama queen for a few minutes and reinforce the war on police narrative.
  11. So the NYPD is lying about no criminality having occurred after their officers "passed out?"
  12. You deliberately use the word weapon instead of taser to conflate it with a gun and to imply the cop was in imminent danger of deadly force from Rayshard Brooks. It wasn't, the cop knew it, he's a coward.
  13. Well this is going nowhere. Interesting language you chose ("violent, brandishing a weapon"). You're dug in and not of a heart and mind to be convinced of anything you don't already think so I won't argue the point any further. If those set of circumstances put that cop in fear for his life, then he's a coward. But that's been the problem for a number of years. Police training, despite being referred to as "warrior" training, has ingrained in every cop's mindset that everything/everyone is a threat and to shoot as a first resort. Cowards with guns.
  14. Maybe chase the drunk, unarmed guy who is running away from you? Perhaps that should be the first resort rather than shooting him in the back.
  15. Which one of those is the capitol offense?
  16. Well yeah. That whole racist, murderous cop thing has priority right now. Maybe next month you can start the conversation on gender equality.
  17. Statewide I'm sure you are correct. I wouldn't be that confident within Minneapolis based on the culture of that police force and its relationship with the citizens. Reread Kroll's letter to his union members and tell me what your strategy would be to reform MPD absent drastic measures.
  18. I wonder if Bob Kroll feels like talking to the press now.
  19. I'd love for the Sports Duck to be doing morning tickers again.
  20. The absence of video in hundreds of millions of interactions doesn't prove that all of those interactions are above board. Without the video, the Buffalo incident would have gone in the innocuous category. How do I know? The Buffalo PD told me so.
  21. But not as bad as the looters who defiled Goyards.
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