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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. Their officials are actually worse than ours.
  2. I’m not so sure that Herman has any idea about what to do? I get being hardheaded, but damn. Hoping for a miracle is not a strategy.
  3. People always say “lose the players”. Sometimes the head coach actually loses his assistants first. Then their indifference rubs off on the team.
  4. The real fun will be watching Herman’s reaction if the game gets out of hand.
  5. Yeah, in terms of the level of difficulty I don’t think you could choose a worse play
  6. Yeah, in terms of the level of difficulty I don’t think you could choose a worse play
  7. What is with Rule doing the Harry Potter Parsal tongue thing?
  8. Seems to work pretty fucking well for other teams that line up against that defensive set.
  9. They are telegraphing that play. Everybody gets the jump on that
  10. Yeah, what wife doesn’t enjoy getting the “your ass is fat gift” from their husband. I could see that going over real well.
  11. I miss how we used nicknames and everyone knew who you were talking about. Hacksaw Reynolds, Steel Curtain, Orange Crush, etc. I thought it added something to being a fan.
  12. Sorry I should’ve been more specific about which women. But I have only seen the movie, and know very little about the graphic novel. Good point about not being able to pick up Judd’s or Sister Nights secret. In retrospect and to your point it is hard to believe neither Judd or Sister Night never gave themselves away. That is a hell of a secret to keep hidden away. Though your explanation of a blind spot for women and like minded individuals sure does fit. But I did think about whether or not it had to be a direct question. And I looked at the multiple scenes about the focus group where he was not directly part of the group, only an observer. And yet he still could determine that they were not being truthful. Maybe that was just a red herring, but it explains an otherwise meaningless scene.
  13. I struggled to understand his gulliablity not figuring out the mystery women when he has demonstrated a number of times that simply looking at ones eyes tells him if a person is straight up or not? If he can tell whether a focus group likes something or not, the chick should have been easy to spot hiding such a secret as the 7th Kalvory. That is disappointing if he could be had so easily.
  14. The ones I played for would remind us of this very thing whenever a penalty would gift the offense a fresh set of downs. Didn’t make a big deal about it, but we were always reminded. There is a lot of shit going on in those situations. Guys are tired, they are sore and can easily get caught up in the moment and forget even the simplest of things. It was SOP to communicate the situation between players and coaches. Shit man that level of coaching is expected in junior high.
  15. I don’t see 6-6 next year. But if that were to happen it tells me that whatever problems we think we have, they are in fact far worse.
  16. Of course they are, well IPTAY has their hands in it. Just as they did with Charlie Pell and Danny Ford. IPTAY has always provided a cushion between the coaching staff and the football program. Just like their God Howard intented when he brought the rock in from Death Valley and announced the beginning of the “I Pay Ten A Year” boosters. It isn’t a coincidence that Dabo started winning big only when SOS said fuck it and left South Carolina because their power base wouldn’t allow the same shit. There is a reason SC is an historically a .500 team. They have never allowed a slush fund like they do in Pickens county.
  17. Technically one could argue that not having both Lamb and Sermon available required a half of adjustment. Hurts was trying to make up for their production (and he ain’t that guy) in the first half because they were using unfamiliar personnel. Had ou lost it would have come to rest on Hurts’ performance.
  18. Oh, I’ll always watch. But son of a bitch If isn’t difficult sometimes. Unlike many who are beating the dead horse about the offsides jump. The real issue was the not one, but two PI calls that allowed State to continue their final drive. Terrible time to pick up those penalties.
  19. Never trust a man who can’t handle an 8lb sledgehammer.
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