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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. The photos were appreciated. I have to try this first chance I get.
  2. What the fuck? Based on what, degree programs? I think the NW rating is a bullshit talking piece.
  3. No surprise. They needed a lackey to get them through the mess they were in with Freeze and the previous staff. He served his purpose.
  4. Meanwhile aggy is getting its ass pounded by the other Tigers of the West.
  5. Bullshit. When the Big12 does this shit we got rolled for it. Classic my ass.
  6. So...Has Gary ruled whether this a great offensive performance, or a shity defensive performance?
  7. For those that may know. Are there players at Ohio State that would not get into Michigan? Is Ohio State a little more SEC then Michigan? Or is that irrelevant?
  8. Boy, you can’t deny that both these teams can run to the ball.
  9. How the fuck is their AD operating in the red? I thought being SEC meant you always had cash flow.
  10. Man there is a lot of space between where these two teams are in terms of talent.
  11. See, this is the type of shit some of them do that completely fucks me up. Who, other then aggy would tell people “Hey look, we’re a pretty damn tall midget”....I’m sure the behavioral sciences have a name for the condition.
  12. I’m curious (and if you don’t mind sharing). But, what was your field of study?
  13. I thought it was take off of their early warning signal SeaTac area has for Ranier? At least that is what I was told some years ago. Apparently when they first started using it, it frightened a lot of people thinking Ranier was about to pop its top.
  14. The food sucks. The only place in Europe that actually got better when the chain restaurants came in during the early to mid 70’s. If you happen to be one of those individuals who sees the silver lining in any situation, bless you. For everyone else find another country.
  15. That is actually pretty cool. And seeing how I have spent more than my share of weekends in Vegas. $1600 is only a lot if you don’t have it
  16. I would be happy if I didn’t consistently see guys not directly involved in a play just sort of standing around. Way to many examples of defensive guys slowing (in some cases stopping) when a teammate is making a tackle. Rather then hustling over to assist making sure the ball carrier is taken down. That is lazy, and a lack of commitment. And should be pointed out in film study. If you don’t hustle, you don’t play. How hard is that?
  17. I remember ou going through this shit aka “decade of shame” in the 90’s after they had to dump Switzer. Gardere is still throwing TD’s against those shitty teams. They started with Gibbs, tried a once proven but now inhebriated Smellsofburbon. And finally to close out the decade with John Blake (a real gem offered up by Switzer). Blake, who you may remember. Orchestrated that fine 73-21 effort that allowed the fanbase to realize....they were proper fucked. Until they landed Stoops they were on life support as a program. And ou did what we did, and what everyone seems to do. Go after the hot name, and hope you strike gold. And for whatever reason those that turn out better than good, always have some shit in their closet. It was more fun watching them go through it. And unlike 25 years ago. Hiring coaches is a crap shoot that costs big money if you get it wrong.
  18. Rhule took a shit Temple job and in three years had righted the ship. He just duplicated that feat at Baylor. Something absolutely no one saw coming. I believe he is the real deal.
  19. Hell no. Shanahan was the architect of Atlanta’s Super Bowl run. Though that play calling late in the SB was a WTF moment. That said once Kyle left shit got pretty bad in Atlanta. And why Quinn is probably gone.
  20. Yeah, the guy is a turnover machine.
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