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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. As you've rightly characterized (and can probably surmise from my other posts around issues e.g. Defund Police) I'm a proponent of Capital I Incrementalism as a methodology for transformational changes. There are negatives and cons for every proposed solution, and you bring up the flaws in incrementalism, but the decision needs to be based on the weights and the net value. I think, and the point of my post, was that if you take a very reasonable (in your words, politically practical and expedient) change and add a bunch of extreme language then you are going to lose support and the goodwill from the pool which we would call "broadly appealling". This is essentially the same reason that progressives, for being so smart, lose (channeling my inner Jeff Daniels here). But yea sure, go after the kidnappers and those you mentioned, that's understood.
  2. I don't understand your question. You asked a question, someone(s) answered it. I assume you agree now that you've seen it stated. The new question is are looters/rioters political aware and engaged? I'm sure they are aware of BLM, they align with BLM, but they are obviously not righteously protesting but rather being opportunistic looters hoping to wrap themselves in the shroud of BLM to justify felonious (and arguably greedy) behavior. You have someone from BLM on the record giving them political cover, which I think is unwise, but whatever.
  3. This is interesting because the point it thinks it's making is not the one it makes, but the opposite.
  4. This is a bridge too far. I think GhostLL has the most reasoned and best approach here and fully agree with his take. When you add in the foolishness and nonsense like the above, but do it with seriousness, it is a disservice to the movement and conversation IMO.
  5. For sure. I wonder where Beto sits on Ellen-gate. Was he treated like crap or is he a defender? Tune in to Twitter and find out!
  6. It was everything you have described it as, but it was also a humblebrag. Since when are humblebrags not cool and excellent and rad, though? Don't let smaller people without much to humblebrag about dim your shine, lobostar!
  7. How does he own what happened because DNC wanted Hillary?
  8. In and Out Burger has good, clean fries because the potatoes are cut and then cooked onsite. You can literally see the raw potatoes, along with the onions, in the background of the drive-thru window. Lots of places do this (Five Guys, etc.) so I'm not touting it's revolutionary. That said, it's widely known that McDonald's has a very proprietary and GMO/engineered potato interest in Idaho where they use only specific potatoes (certain size, strand, etc.) to get the fries that they consider a defensible product. I would posit that maybe In and Out Burger fries taste bland/weird because french fries in general just aren't that naturally special, without the unhealthiness (e.g. beef fat, transfat, high fructose, etc.) and without the IP.
  9. Gotcha. I'd be shocked if Biden didn't tap her as his VP and, more than that, I'd lose a lot of confidence and assurance that he/they know what they are doing at Biden2020.org
  10. Doesn't matter. She's been humbled, her ambition will be much more muted. She has to know that she's viewed as ambitious and stiff-necked and doesn't appeal broadly on her own, but she works perfectly as a complement: She's a woman. She's a minority. She's got experience. She doesn't scare away the Biden voters while also appealing to secondary/tertiary Biden voters (by virtue of being a woman and a minority). There are just some voters they will never get (hardened/most extreme of the Bernie bros, etc.), but it doesn't matter, they don't need them. She's Trump's worst nightmare in the last mile of the Presidential election (I can't believe we are 3 months away already, it feels like Trump v Biden hasn't even really gotten started yet). If Biden chooses her, like I said, my belief is he can play conservative and take the air out of the ball and run out the clock to a victory as long as he doesn't do anything horrible.
  11. It's gonna be Harris and that's the best, most strategic option for Biden. Literally anyone else and it's a positive for Trump. Trump's camp is--as they should be-- scared to death that he is going to do the smart thing and pick Harris and when he does, Biden will essentially need to run out the clock and not do anything stupid.
  12. Why is that? Bernie Bros hated Harris. Probably still do. She's a cop who prosecuted a lot of poor and black people, through the criminalization of drugs and petty crime. Progressives didn't like her then and barely like her now and their vote (or lack thereof) cost HilClinton the election.
  13. I mean, Chicago is the one city you really don't want to get started. That place is a powder keg and has the unique mixture of population/numbers, culture, and poverty to really kick off something very ugly and tragic that all these other cities don't have (Seattle, Portland, St. Louis, Baltimore) and make look like the minor leagues. Once all these luxury goods and information is spread around the city this week, this weekend every two bit hood is going to be looking at this like a lick to be hit.
  14. This. SS is in love with it. It's a horrible song, but good for them for seeing an angle and exploiting it and getting lots of views and lots of money, I guess. Still doesn't make those gals talented.
  15. I've never seen this one. Funny stuff.
  16. I really enjoy the Informed Delivery Digest I get in my email every morning with the scanned images of the mail I should receive. I know if I should trek the quarter mile from the house to the mailbox or not.
  17. Just like with public schools, or anything in life really, not all private schools are created equal so definitely do your due diligence if you go that route, I think you are saying and I agree!
  18. Nevermind I googled it. This is why they were suspended, technically ""The policies I broke stated that I used my phone in the hallway without permission, used my phone for social media, and posting pictures of minors without consent," she said." But we all know why they were really suspended.
  19. That's absurd. What rule was broken to be suspended? Can you not take photos at HS now? We had digital cameras before iPhones really took off and could take photos. Maybe I'm just old.
  20. Probably. But the one my kids go to and my peers/friends who have kids go to, it looks like not only are they going overboard with preventative measures, but they aren't beholden to state/federal services for kids that are bad news for the virus-- such as being able to mandate parents pick up/drop off kids (no bussing) and mandating bring your own lunch from home (no cafeteria service/free/reduced lunch programs). That along with the naturally smaller student to teacher ratios and overall class sizes (typically anywhere from 8 to 10 students per teacher on the high end), where there will be 6 feet separation in classrooms and mandating temperature checks twice a day in the AM and PM makes me think most private schools are probably better positioned to educate kids in person than the Georgia high schools of the world that we saw earlier this week. This is not including all the basic table stakes stuff like a ramped up sanitation plan, not allowing the sharing of learning tools/resources, no PE/recess, and mandatory masks as part of the uniform expectation.
  21. Whoa. First Google hit: "Today, most Americans wouldn't know what hippopotamus tastes like. This might not have been the case if the ambitious plan to import great numbers of hippos to the United States was implemented in the early 1900's. Here's the full story of how hippos almost became a staple of American dinner tables."
  22. Have you guys ever seen a Hippo up close, like at the zoo? It's uncanny how much it looks like a pig (River horse is a complete whiff, Greeks). Same body shape and a lot of characteristics of a pig. My question or random thought: Has anyone ever had Hippo meat? Hork, maybe? Hippork? I bet those slices of bacon would be huge and probably delicious. Is that a thing in, like, Africa? Imagine the deliciousness of Hippo meat...
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