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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Otter: Take it easy, I'm pre-law.Boon: I thought you were pre-med.Otter: What's the difference?
  2. "This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." --Maxwell Smart Print the legend. It's what we do these days. Alas.
  3. Either that or stop eating Cheetos while watching porn.
  4. I just realized that's actually John Sharp in Dickies work clothes. Having trouble figuring out what he's so happy about, though.
  5. Most doctors' patients are skeptical of Caribbean medical school degrees.
  6. You mean the Fort Worth Light & Shopper?
  7. And me--assuming I'm not in one of the aforementioned groups at that time.
  8. You say, "Not to CR," and then you go right ahead and CR. Jesus, dude, give it a rest.
  9. Fucking Gideon, you mean. Never forget.
  10. "We don't keep up with the Jones. We are the Joneses." --Deloss Dodds (--And me. --And about a jillion Texas Exes.) Like Dizzy Dean once said, "It ain't braggin' if you can do it." I guess I better stay out of SEC rooms too.
  11. UGARTE: You despise me, don't you Rick? RICK BLAINE: Well, if I gave you any thought, I probably would.
  12. "Oh, Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there."
  13. Oh, my God--Rick Perry's coming back? Governor-for-life Rick Perry's coming back?
  14. You've got almost 20,000 posts and you still can't spell "aggy?"
  15. Hell, piggy can't pronounce “egalitarian,” much less define it.
  16. The tremendous fundraising opportunities a relevant, competitive football program can generate for the university is a fact that the pinhead thésards of the world just cannot (or will not) comprehend. They think academia should be "above" the demeaning effects of common athletics.
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