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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Agreed. But it sure helped alienate the fan base and they're the ones who ultimately pay the bills -- the gate, concessions, merchandise, and far more importantly, by driving TV revenue. MLB is still around, sure, but it's not the big dog anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. Free agency and strikes have played major roles in its decline. Bottom line: The damned ol' law got in the way. Funny how that happens. (Can you say "NIL?" I knew you could.)
  2. Free agency ruined baseball. Just sayin/ . . .
  3. "Never apologise, never explain." --Winston Churchill
  4. Yeah, I remember all those "insider" posts saying, "Ah, don't worry about Carrington going to USC. It's no big deal. We'll be fine." Riiiight.
  5. We seem to be missing out on some much-needed 'croots--'croots the 9.95'ers kept telling us we could sign. Are we just getting outbid or what the fuck else is going on? (I'd post this over in the recruiting board but those fuckers are crazy over there.)
  6. I'd love to help you out. Which way did you come in?
  7. Bet not everybody knows that Tommy Facenda was John Facenda's brother by another mother. Tommy wore a blue cap for a while. (Anybody?? * *crickets* *)
  8. I don't know if this has been covered upthread, but is there a projected decline in sales of traditional institutional merchandise because of the emergence of new off-book, athlete-branded merchandise? I.e., if we assume that Joe Sixpack has only so much disposable income to spend on football jerseys, and in the past he's used that to buy school-licensed Nike Longhorn apparel, what if he now decides instead to buy some made-in-China individual athlete gear? In short, will this new reality end up costing the Texases and Alabamas of the world?
  9. Are you saying he's "well-spoken?"
  10. "Consider it severance pay. Take the train."
  11. Where's the "r"? You know, the one that sure as shit shouldn't belong in the word but some dumbass fuckin' yankee put it in there back in the 1870's? That "r".
  12. Yeah, apparently he wasn't at his best grammatically. Or, maybe he was . . .
  13. Agree 100%. I feel sure that Sarkisian will have us ready to play and not fall into the same Terp trap that Herman fell into. Twice. All that said, Louisiana will bring more talent than most people expect from a Sun Belt school and I expect this to be their Super Bowl. I haven't seen a line yet but unless it's stratospheric, I like the over.
  14. ". . . four fresh downs and ten fresh yards." Or this one: " . . . and four Longhorns stop him two yards behind the line of scrimmage. They were readin' his mail."
  15. Yeah, even if that line's real right now, and I certainly can't guarantee that it is, it won't hold.
  16. I sense a trend, albeit misguided, as BetMGM apparently has us as a 10-point dog to blow-u. Oklahoma vs. Texas (in Dallas)Actual BetMGM Line: Oklahoma -10
  17. Well, call in the dogs and piss on the fire; it's the end of the hunt.
  18. At Abilene Christian with Bob Shipley and Brad McCoy.
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