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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Thanks for finding that. It is pretty noticeable from a distance now and it's been steady dropping leaves for a couple of weeks. As I mentioned I was thinking initially that it was just dropping leaves in response to the weather change but now I'm not so sure. I have no idea what variety it is or the age but the patio judging from the inscription was built in '83 and from appearances the tree was allowed for in the construction so it's a middle aged pecan tree. One thing I see is that much of its canopy is over the patio so I'm not sure where the root system is or where it's drawing water from. I'll just keep an eye on it.
  2. Maybe it's just me but the score ticker seems to say Nebraska - 0.
  3. I could cheer for his wife under the right circumstances.
  4. There will be punting and you will like it
  5. Know the feeling. Had season tickets, a rented tailgate spot for the season, all the toys that proper tailgating requires and yeah, at some point getting blotto overtook the alleged reason I was there. I say alleged because in my case with sobriety came a diminished interest in the gameday experience. At first that just took the form of watching on tv at home but last year (and COVID may have hastened this) I could count on one hand the number of games I watched and probably none completely or with rapt interest. I've spent my day so far working in the yard and if I had not been listening to the local ESPN radio affiliate would not have realized it was week 0. My how the times have changed and no disrespect to cfb but I'm a helluva lot more productive now without that investment I once made in kids playing tackleball. Enjoy the games, enjoy not having to check scoreboard the next day for results.
  6. Tobacco? J/K I've got a situation with a pecan tree I'd like to throw out here to get some thoughts. Live in Waco so you probably know that we had a wetter than normal spring/early summer and temperatures have been a few degrees overall lower than average. The rains finally stopped a few weeks back and the temps warmed up to more normal for this time of year. I started to notice a lot of pecan leaves on the back patio and didn't think to look up. I just assumed that they were coming from all of the pecan trees that I have, my thoughts were that possibly the trees had put on more leaves than they could support and once conditions changed they needed to shed some of that leaf load. Well, yesterday I was out in the yard and looking back towards the house I realized that it was all coming from one tree. I snapped this picture and would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this odd leaf drop. Tree in question is in the middle, upper left and right are the other two pecans in the back yard.
  7. I'm just hoping like hell we put the tarps into storage because we're going to need them again, soon.
  8. I guess it's possible that there's a lot of people who have leases that go beyond 08/31 and they're going to be on the hook for that plus what a hit they could take on their credit score.
  9. I've been to France, it was amazing. Instead of "hat" they say "chapeau". Instead of "street" they say "boulevard". They've got a word for everything!
  10. IIRC he was a top dual threat QB from Arkansas. Changing coaches at BU and the ensuing changes in offensive philosophy resulted in him not seeing the field as much as was anticipated when he was recruited. I think some remnants of the Briles family might have seduced him to Baylor, he's been there awhile and his recruitment/arrival dates back to around that time. Also I think he was a track and field athlete in hs and it seems that he has been slow to fill out physically to meet the needs of the QB position for D1 football.
  11. Score's tied right now. Both had "bombs" and both are still alive.
  12. When I was 15 or so the church youth group had a garage sale to raise money for whatever. Bunch of donated junk that included a lot of books. I was doing my turn "working" at the garage sale and looking thru the books when I found one by somebody named Abbie Hoffman called "Steal This Book". So I did. It wasn't as good as the cookbook by that anarchist guy but damned if it didn't have enough to get a kid in trouble. Almost left out the stupid shit that resulted.... Smoke bombs. Salt peter and sugar on low heat. Don't remember the exact ratio but it'd make a gooey mess that we'd pour into pot pie tins with a fire cracker fuse stuck in there. Let them cool and then take 'em out to the driveway to light. Super high temp pink flame, billowing clouds of smoke and scorched asphalt that did not please the old man.
  13. Well, if our exit from Vietnam taught us anything it was that there will be a flood of refugees for the next 20 years. At least the Vietnamese had boats.
  14. Glad you're back! Now I've got some bad news and some good news - We're scheduled to have Wednesdays every week for the foreseeable future. The good news is you know what to do. Love ya, man.
  15. I was half asleep while listening to the radio last night but it seems like I heard we are trying to extract 30,000 Afghani allies as well as our own folks.
  16. sometimes people use hyperbole to make a point. It's subtle in its extremism, ironic almost but a useful literary tool. You seem to be hammering at a point that no one took literally.
  17. Realignment fantasy talk? Your teen years were definitely different than mine.
  18. El Diablo


    You can say "penis" here, we're in the trust tree.
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