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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Okie doke. I figured since I was making changes to a duplicate layer that it would retain the selected area on that layer until I came back to it. Thanks, I'll play with it some more without investing so much time in what I was doing before I lost it, lol.
  2. I need some really basic help with Photoshop, maybe one of y'all can set me straight here. I decided to start messing with the program a bit finally and one of the first things I tried was to simply create a layer and mask off/isolate the subject. I created a duplicate background layer to do this on by the way. I did some google and found a tutorial and decided I prefer the painting it as a mask rather than the "marching ant" painting it as a selection method, if that matters. Anyway, my real dumb question is how do I then save this? I painted all around the subject and got it really close without touching the subject, got tired and wanted to save all that work so I could come back to it later and work on it some more so I THOUGHT the changes would be saved when I exited and saved it as a .pdx or whatever. I reopened it and nope, changes/painted area is no more. wrf? I then just did the same thing and switched it to "selection" before closing and still doesn't seem to save this. Help!
  3. One of the conversations that the Cornicello guy has had was with the founder of the Palm Springs Photo Festival. I've heard the PSPF event name dropped several times since and decided to check out their website. The event was originally scheduled for last month and then CV hit so they postponed it until September and took it virtual. Instead of being $1,800 + food/lodging or something like that, it's now a reasonable daily rate to "attend" their virtual seminars. Pretty sure the attendees can view the content then for eternity. I could be wrong but I think that the lectures cost is only $50 a day. They're going for number of attendees rather than a select group of deep pockets in person. The PSPF website also has podcasts, many of which are over my head but podcast #6 for 2020 has a Texas guy, Keith Carter from Beaumont. Some of his work can be found here... http://www.artnet.com/artists/keith-carter/3 No formal training, guy just developed his art and now his work hangs in some pretty prestigious collections. Anyway, podcasts are here if you're interested. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/palm-springs-photo-festival-2020-podcast/id1504555980
  4. Today's conversation was with Michael Newler, one of the original Canon Explorers of Light.
  5. Is scanning the photo at like 600 dpi at it's largest 300dpi size, say 8x10, a reasonable work around?
  6. The Chinese stir frying a bunch of US electronics that were purchased from the Chinese. What a time to be alive.
  7. Back to the zoo. A spoonbill, a turkey and some trumpet vine after a brief shower.
  8. Bored as fuck so went back over to the horse barn for an hour or so this morning to try my hand at using the flash. It went about as expected, the little flash units even when combined only give me about 100ws of power which just isn't enough unless I point them straight at the subject. The result is less than flattering, lol. Two speedlights at full power, probably 70' distance. I think I'll just stick to available light until i can afford and have the desire to own some bigass flash units.
  9. My guy posted a couple more conversations this week, I really enjoyed this one. Wide ranging and some name dropping. Oh, and self nudes by the lady.
  10. I spent a bit of time today figuring out the Nikon "Snapbridge" app for the phone. Got it to where I can set the camera up, do the hocus focus and take a picture from the phone now. Time for some full length selfies!
  11. Hanging is always a bit of a stretch.
  12. There's a photographer in the PNW, John Cornicello, who has been hosting video conversations with other professionals, both photographers and others with strong ties to photography, since the COVID lockdown has impacted his portrait business so much. Usually it's himself, his guest and then 8 or so other pros as the audience. They're about an hour long and unless they're throwing up images of their work they're sort of podcast like. The conversations though are fantastic, listening to a bunch of highly accomplished individuals share their lives and work stories. He does these twice a week and just started doing them I think in late May so not a bunch on file just yet but I think it may become a thing, at least until the pandemic eases up some. I've listened to Bambi Cantrell, Rick Sammons, Jeff Dunas, a couple of models nobody has ever heard of. Just really fascinating, open and honest discussions, a great source of inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxTu7TApg_RHEjwoyehz-lw
  13. You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey.
  14. Anyone here been paying any attention to how this pandemic is progressing thru 3rd world countries? Central America, African continent, Caribbean, etc...? Just wondering if the relative lack of mobility in some of those countries has helped or if they have hard hit hot spots due to lack of masks.
  15. Hmm, well they did mention the use of stripper in the manufacturing. I guess that's the stripper?
  16. Thanks. Long, boring ass summer. Wig head is alright but yeah, boobs would be nice. Arms, abdomen, legs etc... wouldn't hurt either. Hopefully I can talk this gal into letting me take some pictures. Full length body shots may require more space than I have but I can try.
  17. Bought a 20" beauty dish (white), using it as the key and a soft box for fill. Bare speedlight from behind because why not? May have an actual live model too! Met a chick at the zoo and got to talking photography, turns out she's done some modeling and might be interested in trading. We shall see.
  18. The local zoo has inhabitants that are not part of any exhibit, vultures. After the zoo was built the birds decided they liked the place so much that they've become a permanent fixture. Sort of like pigeons in the parks but Waco style.
  19. KIA is an important number but as you well know the M-16 was not necessarily designed to kill. Can you see where this analogy is going? COVID=M-16. Wounded tie up a lot more resources than a dead body. Like I said, make up your own fudge factor, who cares? You're still probably going to have a number that creates some concern (not FEAR). I do think though that there's a substantial number of people who regard warnings/cautions as fear mongering. "Keep your head down Marine, there's live rounds flying" probably induces fear in some whereas others simply take it as good advice.
  20. I think that you can probably trust, for the most part, the numbers from hospitals and work backwards from there to arrive at your own conclusions. There may be some fudgery there but I'm sure you can come up with a number or percentage to disqualify that fits your own narrative. Can we agree that there's a substantial strain being put on the health care system by patients who are in fact being hospitalized BECAUSE they have the COVID? Fear of course is optional.
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