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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. That's POPE Diablo to you, sir! I showed up on the scene just in time for the Vatican II transition. Guitar Mass? My idea.
  2. Got bored as shit and decided to try a long exposure. Bird feeder with a couple of building lights. F13, 100 ISO, 25s on a tripod. I might do something more interesting if I can get somewhere with something more interesting to shoot!
  3. I think the first time I ever went was probably 1966 and at 6 years old I was too short for some of the rides. Pissed off this first grader. Me and Diablo Jr moved to Ft. Worth in the spring of '98, the year Mr Freeze opened up, and we had season passes. We rode the shit out of that ride.
  4. Paddling canoes with the injuns.
  5. Haha, KWTX isn't proof reading their stories I guess or they just don't give a fuck now. https://www.kwtx.com/2020/08/24/lawyers-texas-efforts-to-find-and-arrest-protesters-a-witch-hunt/ Assholes have gone back and edited it.
  6. The last time it was won was in January, it's been rolling over ever since then. I think the jackpot in January was 14MM, it had been rolling over then for a good while. I bought $5 worth on Saturday and won $50. Prolly ought to quit right now.
  7. Are the party boats in action on the Texas Gulf Coast? Thinking of getting Diablo Junior to go if they are.
  8. That was fucking glorious. Down right chilly I dare say.
  9. Just finished up "Texasville". Didn't really like it much, as a continuation of Last Picture Show it just fell flat for me. I'm going to continue on here shortly with the next in the series, "Duane's Depressed" just because it's the last one now being that I read Rhino Ranch out of order. Hope it gets better and if it falls somewhere 'tween RR and Tville I'll be okay with that.
  10. Sounds like something South Austin's mom might have penned.
  11. Feels like football practice weather here in Central Texas this morning, takes me back.
  12. Good point. My Uncle Edwin lost his to frostbite as a POW in WWII. It was indeed quite gnarly.
  13. Nice, I particularly like that red brick interior wall art shot. Nice lighting/exposure with a good balance between the interior and the sunny areas outside. The graphic gets a nice bit of light with some vignetting.
  14. I'm a list maker. One thing I've found in doing that is if something stays on the list a long, long time I may just need to take it off. I have to reevaluate why it was on there in the first place. Good to see you back, somewhat, in action there Schlong.
  15. Would not having a nose qualify?
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