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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. It seems risky to fire for ADA reasons. I would think job neglect, like not showing up, would be a better way to go. Your buddy will probably have to get a lawyer either way though.
  2. They should have been there a year ago and reports in Dec said the first 12 would be there in a few weeks.
  3. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-medication-treat-severe-frostbite#:~:text=The U.S. Food and Drug,Norman Stockbridge%2C M.D.%2C Ph.
  4. ctj, isn’t every player in the Top 100 in the country an NIL recruitment? It seems that even if the dream school offers, it still comes down to money and the perceived ability to get the player into the NFL.
  5. How many F16s are in Ukraine? What is the holdup?
  6. That is perhaps the dumbest comment I’ve read this year. Well done Aggie.
  7. I thought you lived overseas in a country that is more supportive of the war.
  8. Where is he from? He sounds like a douche.
  9. I think it would take a plea to the American people - some sort of a campaign to state its importance - and I fear by waiting years until election season to sell it - that it might ultimately be too late, if it ever did happen. It should have been a relative layup. Competing money for Israel wasn’t needed and the only other major foreign expense was border control. And the opposing party generally is pro military and anti-communism.
  10. In many states, utilities are the largest donor to politicians. It was also government who wanted monopolies rather than multiple poles run around cities. So maybe government run by people who don’t know how to run shit and have compromised ethics are the problem.
  11. @closetojumping to where did your Bama friends end up going after Saban retired?
  12. If @MisterP wants to learn about Albania he should watch the Promise. It’s pretty good. Unfortunately it is about Armenia.
  13. More what I was thinking is that you provide humanitarian aid to places such as Gaza and would bring a security force with you to help protect you and the aid. so what I was asking is whether this is the sort of project that you take on.
  14. I thought that is the kind of work that you do?
  15. ctj did it maybe a week ago. To be honest, I think the list is changing too fast to get very close. We have all of these in state guy that kind of limits the upside of the class. Meanwhile we are swinging at the fences for elites around the country. We are getting positive feedback nationally and we have lots of NIL ammunition. The class will end up being a blend of in state and out of state and the top guys we are in on aren’t particularly close to narrowing their top schools, much less committing to a school. In June, we will have a much better idea of what our class will look like.
  16. Linebacker recruiting appears off the charts.
  17. See that's what they are expecting you to say. The next thing you know, you find out your daughter's boyfriend fixed it without telling you. OTOH, you work from home so it is hard for them to pull it off. And you are good with guns.
  18. Maybe the wife took it out. Get the photo to make sure no one else was in the car.
  19. SInce, apparently it is wrong to speak poorly of the French, I'm going with the Dutch today. Everyone hates the Dutch, right? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/4/they-fled-ukraine-to-the-netherlands-why-are-they-being-expelled
  20. I also found this online which was pretty useful. https://www.builddirect.com/blogs/expert-advice-on-flooring/how-to-stop-your-vinyl-plank-flooring-from-buckling
  21. Looks like she could repair a 67 Camaro and out ski your ass maybe. Isn't she dating Ricky?
  22. Too slow in my edits Vinyl for $20K? Anyway, some vinyl requires underlay while other has it built in and actually voids the warranty if underlay is used. And vinyl snaps together so a gap doesn't happen and isn't needed. Although I guess some vinyl needs gap if it doesn't have a good snapping system. I think that is called peaking when the joints turn up and it is difficult to fix. Warping, doesn't happen unless there are extreme temperature and humidity changes which wouldn't be expected on a remodel but I guess buckling can happen when the floor isn't level and a leveling compound is not used. What people generally notice is that the flooring squeaks and bounces when you step on it. And it isn't surprising that MSI blames the contractor rather than their product. It is probably true but don't take their word as gospel. MSI definitely wouldn't want to foot the bill. Wherever the flooring was purchased might be helpful as far as opinion and in some rare circumstances might be able to help get new flooring from MSI. Installation is pretty simple.
  23. Vinyl for $20K? Anyway, some vinyl requires underlay while other has it built in and actually voids the warranty if underlay is used. And vinyl snaps together so a gap doesn't happen and isn't needed. Warping, doesn't happen unless there are extreme temperature and humidity changes which wouldn't be expected on a remodel but I guess buckling can happen when the floor isn't level and a leveling compound is not used. What people generally notice is that the flooring squeaks and bounces when you step on it. And it isn't surprising that MSI blames the contractor rather than their product. It is probably true but don't take their word as gospel. MSI definitely wouldn't want to foot the bill. Wherever the flooring was purchased might be helpful as far as opinion and in some rare circumstances might be able to help get new flooring from MSI. Installation is pretty simple.
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