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Certifiably Surly
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5905 Surly 10%

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  1. Some people: yeah but fuck those mandatory water breaks /noCR
  2. And then once on aggy reads it, another repeats, it’s then the gospel truth. It happened.
  3. Easy then. Build a small scale crypto “farm” in the backyard and don’t forget to apply for your ag exempti….make your political donation. Anyways, It can be made to be affordable.
  4. Gotta sit in the front bulkhead row with extra room for….reasons
  5. Is that a shop? Ultra short wheelbase taco is badass.
  6. They may never get there. I’d put money on it at this point.
  7. Retropie emulator on a raspberry pi. It’s a fun project.
  8. “Kmag is passing people for fun”
  9. Neisd doesn’t fail.
  10. I was verrrrry familiar with parmer and mopac about 15 years ago. I just was there since the wall to wall remodel a month or so ago. Completely different store.
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