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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Well in the past, FedEx required a return address on the outside
  2. Looks like he’s gonna need to use the crutch method
  3. Dicks last resort lol
  4. His manifesto and the handgun he stole from dads nightstand
  5. Sounds like good bull to me
  6. Yeah but TU let’s bums from the city into the stadium and you have to step over human piles of poop everywhere! My sisters cousins roommate is pretty high up over there and she even told me that their whole coaching staff is about to hit the transfer portal.
  7. Me too………churches and church camps are secretly or accidentally hiring drag queens that go undercover in regular clothes and appearance so as to better molest children. It’s the only plausible explanation since we know that drag queens are responsible for this.
  8. I had a 2003 v8 just like that with almost 300k miles about 4 years ago when we moved to SA. Loved the damn thing but it kept having a habit of intermittent starting issues and we were right in the middle of some lifestyle changes/moves. When it died in me once again in buda, I signed it over to npr’s car drive rather than try to pull the intake manifold and replace the starter in a gas station parking lot. I have no doubt that it would been running just fine for another 150k after the starter but I was just so damn tired at that point.
  9. Strap em under the wing like ordnance
  10. Chili agro talk not going away
  11. Bring back v10 cars and make all teams use EV/hydro/whatever for transpo between GPs. Everyone wins.
  12. “We’re the iPhone?”
  13. These fools on insta are just straight up hoe’ing devries by bumping all the promotional AT clips with him. No chill.
  14. Yeah but how bad would army’s record have been during this time period if: aggy allowed co-ed students, that durn cheater dkr hadn’t signed every single male in Texas and the surrounding states, and aggy hasn’t been out single-handedly saving the world from nazis? Advantage: aggy
  15. Hell they already know that idoit. They just keep running out of time.
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