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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. First they came for those who didn’t masturbate to internet porn and I did not speak out, because I did masturbate to internet porn
  2. Maybe I need to try all the flavors again but wife and I are supremely disappointed in 1877 vs topo Chico. The carb levels seemed waaaay off (weak).
  3. What the frick are you talking about?
  4. Aggy: king of the internet poll
  5. I still miss T9 texting. List is invalid.
  6. Well when you rock down to it….
  7. aggy Olive Garden: when you’re here, you’re bigoted
  8. But if we had jimbo, we’d have another 20— natty!
  9. I mean we’ve all see this one
  10. Regarding playing national championship teams, Is bragging about losing 9 out of 13 games a flex?
  11. If formula e had power ups in the forest, would anybody watch it?
  12. You really gonna arm sargeant with a bullet bill or spiked shell powerup?
  13. Deceased shitbags are still shitbags.
  14. Yeah but how many g5 and fcs teams did we beat in that window? Advantage: aggy
  15. Or that he quit recruiting and coaching while still employed here
  16. So Dannyric will be driving a Red Bull one way or another
  17. And then it gets swept I der the rug. Didn’t the patriarch murder someone?
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