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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. We wanted to bring gummies last month but opted against. Most of the info I found on the internet was more about vaping products and couldn’t find a conclusive answer.
  2. Which 3 letter agency will shut it down first?
  3. Fuck that air max. I’d fuck with the Pegasus tho
  4. Yeah some of the locations have a deli
  5. YGIFS seems like a man who lives by a code. He’s not gonna take your historically inaccurate memes any longer. A man’s gotta stand up for what’s right.
  6. Parents bought half a cow and dropped this off with me to smoke for this weekend. I’ll have to cook tomorrow. It’s been super trimmed though. Any pointers vs a regular old packer? Also, no idea why the processor sliced it in half but I’m thinking I’ll end up pulling flat sooner.
  7. Same. We did it a few weeks ago. I appreciate having done it but it’s damn near an all day commitment.
  8. It’s wild how they think Kyle looks good. Someone pull up the donkey Kong pic of their stands.
  9. Our hoa had them cater a year or two back but I don’t recall it being memorable. That may have to do with it being catered vs fresh at the cutters counter.
  10. Max could just be the only driver for Red Bull and Red Bull would still win the constructors
  11. The question isn’t wether they’d perform well on the rb19 once, it’s whether they’d do well consistently. Which checo does not.
  12. 12:37 am and no tacos. Error 404: does not compute.
  13. It’s a public head so the designer probably assumed there’d be someone there licking it 24/7
  14. Found it. This dude is a fucking machine. This train isn’t stopping anytime soon.
  15. Well that price is a compromise I suppose
  16. Leaving a trail of shiner soaked wax cups and chewed fletchers sticks all along the way
  17. Yeah but what if they’re black beans
  18. They also lobby our lawmakers and get to influence political will, but without laying any taxes
  19. Surely the licensing rights on yakety sax are going public domain soon
  20. Agreed. Fuck the announcers.
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