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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. ooooh - someone thinks they are Nostradamus or maybe Rasputin
  2. Hey - show us your tits, then run for Austin city council; while I cannot guarantee you win the elections it has worked before
  3. They both shot from the NBA line, but each used the ball they normally play
  4. Hey @JosephStang So I googled Alan Stangs son - and the 12th item listed is this thread, so I am stuck in a do loop. The other items I glanced at didn't help, so I am lost I am impressed by my fellow posters as I planned on posting the following - this is Wendys', what would you like to order - the Clooney gif of first time - tin foil hat gif but those were already taken, and I am all out of clever. Do you know Chad Briscoe, or Derka? BTW - welcome to Surly, there is supposed to be an entrance exam. Please answer the following questions: - What to you think of OU - What is your take on Aggy - Yes or No - is Kevin Morgan an asshat
  5. not really - if you are buying it through a 401k, they you buy fractional shares every time it is funded, and I think you can just buy it in $ amounts I think most brokers will fill orders for $$"s on ETF's and mutual funds. To be honest I have no idea if some brokerages charge higher fees for fractional share transactions, I do know that Schwab charges next to nothing for stocks, mutual funds, ETF's and usually just pennies for options, there are some small fees for non-US holdings. I think my son is buying $50 week (or every other week) of SPY, and paying no fees at Schwab. Then again maybe this is special pricing for their best customers - after all I am a multi-thousandaire, and a nominally active trader.
  6. How you doin? Thought it never rains in Southern California; but when it does it pours
  7. Fuck Bank Holiday's - if I have to work, why don't the banks & the markets Guess I will just have to actually work a full day today - and that kinda sucks
  8. was just going to comment about our resident serial killer; reminds me of @TxTow talking shit about rock throwers. but in this case this seems like a weak attempt at getting a lighter sentence. Good Luck Nicole
  9. Call me crazy, but in addition to travelling to Mars, then establishing a colony both of which take tons of resources, you then have to build an orbital hotel/docking station to vaca off the planet for 5 years (meaning food, water, medicine, etc); but this seems like a bit much. Sounds like a 100 year plan, where everything has to go just right.
  10. Which always brings the question about who had his card; was it Patrick Slowplay, or Hoge - in the end Jordan is responsible to sign a correct card. I am thinking this had to do with his double on 18 and being pissed about it. He isn't listed in the field next week in Mexico, so he had time to work on his game, and his counting.
  11. For the record, I have not bought or sold any SMCI shares, options or anything else - so it wasn't me! just sayin'
  12. Market warning - today I cancelled my first sale order on the 6/21/24 options, as they are up about 300%, so that would have covered the cost of all of the options for that expiry; and I am going to see if this continues to run for a little bit more. These are in a prime spot of still time to run ahead of the trend, at they are "only" about $6 ITM but are priced at $22.50, vega is my friend right now, but theta is a cold hearted bitch that will eat those prices the close I get to expiration date. I feel like there is a 60-90 day window to sell when pricing peaks, before time eats back to the midline.
  13. Just saw that this is not a no-cut event, top 50 plus anyone within 10 strokes, maybe the Friday excitement will be if Tiger has to grind today to make the cut? Not that the broadcasters would hype on that. Jason Day at -10, that would make the cut at even which right now is 53 players. Interesting, I think it is like the Masters.
  14. 4U going against the rising uranaium pricing tides. this and AMYZF are my remaining sinking stonks, sinking my portfolio and my dreams this was much more fun when ALPP was a rising star, but those days and that money is now all gone......I wonder what it would take to get @RCRanger03 back to find another gem or 2 for the lonely losers here?
  15. Had a discussion a couple of days ago with my brother - he follows this way more than me, as he was a HS girls coach, and we both agreed that Iowa, while not trying to lose to Nebraska on Sunday, tried not to have Clark score the points in the Sunday game but rather when they were playing a home game.
  16. you forgot to include the global implementation of said legislative restrictions; and the ability to enforce those who do not follow the rules. And a manual backdoor to pull the plug and inactivate AI from spreading. When do we thing the real life August 29, 1997 will take place?
  17. Had a notice pop up and it says season 2 to be released this fall. I hope it is with the 2 year wait
  18. Scottie -3 after 2 holes, so what is that a 45 alert? I'm going to back of and start the 54 alert !!! Jinxing Jinxer Justifiably Jinxes
  19. my quick math is that 22.5 hours is about 1 light day, so yeah just under 1/365 of a light year. So 1 light day, is about 50 years at max sustainable human speed (historically speaking) Sadly, Starman is in orbit and was not on an escape trajectory
  20. honey? - sounds like something a serial cereal killer would do
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