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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. Look I am not here to defend OrangeMan, but I'm looking to extend Biden's run at this point either. I am not certain that Joe can slice warm butter to put on his toast, let alone actually stab Donald; win/win is that they might kill each other, or slip on the stairs and have a mutual accident. What a fucking horrible system we have to pick a person to be a figurehead leader; I starting to get behind the idea that if there is a minimum age to serve as POTUS, then perhaps there should be an age limit on the starting a term as well.
  2. It is interesting that they posted a photo that was caused by a flight system software glitch/error/failure, and not a hardware issue that could have been caught at inspection. But then again, IMO, the entire things shows how the entire inspection and testing system are not functioning to public liking. My question for Airline CEO's would be - if you continue to buy from Boeing, at what point do you share in the blame for the next crash/failure? Seems to me they are taking steps towards sharing more deeply in the shared litigation & settlement costs.
  3. I agree, I am much more at risk driving to the airport. That said, I chose not to drive a 1970's Ford pinto that could explode; and if like not to fly in a Max airframe by Boeing, g there is a responsible alternative
  4. I find it not credible that many people want to see the verdict in the election subversion case before the vote, as reported by CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/05/politics/cnn-poll-trump-verdict-election-charges/index.html Almost everyone I know either will never vote for Trump, or they will vote for him regardless of any convictions; or maybe it the the silent type that don't talk politics who haven't decided. Kind of like OJ - I don't think many people changed their opinion of him because of the trial verdict. ( I mean he beat the murder rap, and pussy is no longer 100% undefeated)
  5. I think what your Mom meant to ask is - Is it safe to fly any Boeing Max airframe? I'm asking because my flight to Seattle, in a few months, is on AK and it was always a Max9. Looking to Surly for the answer, because my kids don't know shit about this stuff. They would just say yes and see how far that gets them.
  6. I'm sorry, is this the reason geography thread?
  7. from the PGA tour website R has been postponed until Monday, Fe
  8. The funniest part is, the more he posts in this thread the more people open the thread and reply which will make MEETB even more weirded out about it
  9. LOL - yeah that is easy money, hardly any risk. The real money is getting people to subscribe to your trade recommendations - get a few hundred giving you that sweet $9.95/month is easy money. All you really have to do is find someone who is wrong 67-75% of the time, then sell the opposite of his trades to your subscribers. This works about 60% of the time all the time.
  10. Likely not watch live golf from Pebble today
  11. great if it works, but it rarely works like it is planned - I would file that as a recipe for disaster after our fuckery with the Shah, I think someone else has to front the change - UK, France, etc, and make sure it isn't a China operation, or Putin
  12. Clark is firing on all cylinders - making putts 38 & 42 feet for eagle, 29, 24 and 15 ft for birdie and 3 more birdies from inside 10 ft. Guess that US Open wasn't as fluky as it seemed at the time. Damn he is on fire, and yet Jason Day is -8 (with a bogey) through 14 to get into the top 5.
  13. I am curious where the A-10's are based in the region (Incirlik?), because there is no way they are flying those beasts back & forth like they can do with the Bone. Let me CR this up a little; I would love to see some A-10's helping push back the Ruskies in Ukraine; problem is it would have to be US forces because we ain't sharing that airborne anti-tank, anti-personnel platform.
  14. Rory sucking his way around Pebble, nice weather and he is slipping further down the board.
  15. BRK.b has hit all-time highs and is closing in on $400, it was $362 at ye, and was at $169 in May 2020 Covid low. (this one is of keen interest at I am holding BRK.b calls with $400 strikes that are close to being itm)
  16. After 2099 - but there is a close one in 2045 You are welcome to come to my house for 2099, I will be a bit under 150 years old at that time, see if @Armybrat want to come with you. I be he has see a 100 solar eclipses.
  17. Hoping Moose has hunkered down, seeing reports of -40° in Fairbanks, and 75-100+ inches of snow recently in Juneau and Anchorage.
  18. Doesn't really look like much fun to play there this weekend, or into next week. The weather kinda reminds of at trip to Southern Pines NC, only it was about 25 degrees colder
  19. In other news, water is wet
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