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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. SIAP, but Joe Biden throwing so much shade that Sen Scott ain't gonna sunburn that dome of his.
  2. Just 9 casual friends, none of whom know how to properly dress themselves.
  3. You know what would be a really great idea that follows the mantra of the 'do your own research' crowd would be if this host were to say, meet a Great White fish in the ocean. It would be quite filling fulfilling and from a scientific perspective make a lot of sense. To me at least. Kind of scratch two things off that guy's bucket list for sure.
  4. I believe the proper term is a lunchtime of lunatics. As in the example from the Free Range Surly Dictionary (Annotated Edition): The President and his cult staring skyward at the bright sun caused Jerome to pause his usual mid-day girl watching. What a lunchtime of lunatics, he thought, as he took a bite of his ham sandwich.
  5. Perhaps its neither or both or all. Hard to say for sure until the first season has aired, right? Through interviews of writers/cast/crew, I understand that J.K. Rowling tended to stick around and give her author's perspective and vision of the world she created. Martin seems to have his fingers in a great many more pies in general and I have no clue as to how much the show holds his interest. He doesn't seem to be writing for it (the show), and maybe that makes a difference? The bolded bit in the second quote above is where either the original author perhaps lends a hand, or the brought-in talent given liberty to create something there, but that talent (given all the critical eyes scouring for accuracy/realism/whatever metric by which they judge) better bring it, or get roasted. It's a tough gig, but I'm glad to see the industry getting back in the saddle post COVID. I'm prepared to be entertained.
  6. That dude had dip-head cone written all over him.
  7. Cut some of your post for space, but overall I like your comparison. I would add too that Martin being a weeble wobble for well over a decade now has exacerbated various issues.
  8. Aren't we still paying for tariffs on certain imports as well? Biden didn't remove all of them when I took office right(?), so am I correct to believe that those are adding to consumer costs?
  9. I dunno, maybe I'm just a dumb grocery shopper but when I see higher meat prices for beef and chicken at the grocery store I don't look at the Oval Office, I look at the weather and the corporate producers. Drought for months, bird flu, packer consolidation, those have an effect on prices that seems much more immediate.
  10. Valid point and perspective. I was musing over the last episode last night based on the commentary below: Males are not the only viewers, and the last episode (judging by what was going across my feed) may have been a miss with some of y'all, but it sure got other groups of viewers engaged and talking. In the case of shadow_operative's point--the build up he finds dull and slow; from what I could gather, some of the audience consider it foreplay. Lots of scenes, the dragon buzz of the ship, for example, Raenyra knows its Daemon, she smirks a little; the scene in the garden with them together and she's wearing his necklace (I think, maybe that was the other scene with the tapestry comment). Him holding her hand as they went out into the night. Those little things were not violent, didn't have a whole lot of dialogue, but they strike a chord with some of the audience. Also from what I was reading, some of the audience are already forming 'ships,' i.e. Daemon/Raenyra vs. Ser Christan (sp?)/Raenrya and I would argue that those viewers perspectives and criticisms are just as valid and debatable as are the ones found on a male dominated message board. That episode was directed by a woman, and the way Raenyra's viewpoint in the brothel was depicted greatly reflected that. So, now you've got some women out there trying to figure out bad boy Daemon or rooting for low born Ser Christan or even the 'why not both, you go girl' fan club that will keep those viewers engaged. I have no experience with screen writing/show running but I suspect it is a pretty difficult balancing act, and the episode writers and directors have been changed around some and whether that is by design or not I have no idea. I'm willing to give it a watch every week and find out, however. Another thing that stood out for me when reading various comments online (not in this thread) is how many women found Daemon and Raenyra to be kindred spirits in that both felt being held captive by their station--he is the second born son never to inherit and she is the girl who must marry for the realm and that bonds them in a restless drive to 'do' something, anything where they have some control. Yeah, sure incest for one, but having not read the Martin book upon which this series is based, it does seem to be a very realistic theme, what defines us throughout history--who's your daddy? Or to a lesser and often under-rated, 'who was your mother and what was your relationship like?' As much as we tell ourselves we are masters of our own fate, those ties that bind have far greater impact than we give them credit. Just some morning thoughts before work.
  11. Yes, of the canned types it is better than Armour. We also fry eggs in ours but I section it after the hash gets crispy, take everyone's number of egg requests and then fry the eggs in each little section. It makes a nice quick meal.
  12. Yes, that was a rather satisfying scene that was. Also agree about Otto and his 'spies,' court drama reminiscent of Henry VIII, the Boleyn family, and Jane Seymour.
  13. I recommend getting the shingles vaccine even though the side effects are unpleasant. Regarding the Omicron variant of COVID, the piper came round our house this weekend when a kiddo came home with a fever. We were so close to getting the booster too, as our clinic had finally announced the availability. Dagnabit. One by one we paid the piper and you've never seen a sadder sorrier lot as we moped around with high fevers, sore throats, racking coughs, and really bad headaches. I would say we were saved by excessive time spent watching this weekend's college football, but that went rather like the fevers--very high and then breaking out in a sweat. We're in isolation for the next few days, but if you've not gotten the booster yet, I'd say get it as the real deal, while milder than Delta is still pretty sucky.
  14. This was sarcasm right? He registered for the draft in 1948 but was later declared unfit after his army physical.
  15. I was going to post Fred Rogers, but I see you did as well. I've admired him since I was young; I wouldn't say he is/was my hero, but someone whose actions and words were worthy of admiration.
  16. I'm more than half jealous. We haven't returned since COVID and it will be some time before we can return. Don't forget to have a bowl of porridge once in awhile so the travelers on your return flight are not too miserable.
  17. IIRC, there was also something about if the former spouse (of the divorcee) was still living, which in the case of the now King Charles case would be a no. In the recent past with Wallis Simpson, I believe both of her former spouses were still living while she was with Edward and that was problematic from the POV of the Church.
  18. The Queen is dead, long live the King. I'm only halfway through The Crown, but am rather fascinated by Queen Elizabeth's front row seat to history and powerful figures. Also, because avatar is semi-related.
  19. I obviously hang out in the CR too much, but I was pretty sure General Crab was either suffering from CTE due to 3 years of battle trauma or the dragon fire had burned too many of his little gray cells because the original idea of hanging out in the caves was working for the most part. OTOH, Daemon's temper and hubris is going to get him in trouble eventually, though. (I haven't read the books so no clue if that is how it goes.)
  20. Did you see him play Prince Phillip in the first two seasons of The Crown? There may have been a scene in which King George VI rousts young Phillip out of bed for an early morning duck hunt wherein a very nice shot of Matt Smith was onscreen....sans clothes, but if asked by my family I will have no recollection of that event. We've been watching, and there are flaws but we have been entertained for the most part, and Matt Smith is a solid actor so we've enjoyed his scenes. We're hoping Rhys Ifans' character will get things going a little more with the behind the scenes drama. The marrying off of the princess may take some time to develop so we're going to keep going with it. (forgive me for using actor names instead of characters, but I am horrible at them with this type of fictional multi-episode series.)
  21. In some cultures i.e. the Iroquois Confederacy, men and women created those "rights" together.
  22. You left off a few others he called names, usually loser, dummy, moron, idiot, etc: Alex Pareene, Gawker writer (Loser); Alex Rodriguez, baseball player (Idiot); Alex Salmond, Scottish politician (Loser);Amy Pascal, former chairwoman of Sony Pictures (Loser); Ana Navarro, political commentator (Loser); Anderson Cooper, journalist (Dumb); Aneesh S, random Twitter user (Dummy); Angelo Carusone, vice-president of Media Matters (Loser); Anika Heinmaa, university student (Dummy); Anthony Baxter, filmmaker (Dummy); Arianna Huffington, publisher (Loser); Barack Obama, U.S. President (Idiot); Bill Maher, talk show host (Loser); Bill Kristol (Loser); Bill Moyers, liberal activist (Dummy); Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana (A zero); Brah Sumatra, random guy on Twitter (Dummy); Brett Jarka, random guy on Twitter (Loser); Brian Williams, former NBC News host (Dummy); Charles Freeman, writer (Dummy); Charles Krauthammer, columnist (Loser); Cher, singer (Loser); Chris Cillizza, journalist (Moron); Chris Jackson, basketball player (Loser); Chris Moody, journalist (Loser); Chuck Hagel, former defence secretary (Moron); Chuck Todd, journalist (Loser); Clare O’Connor, Forbes writer (Dummy); Dan Amira, senior editor at New York magazine (Loser); Danny Zuker, writer of TV’s Modern Family (Loser); Dave Centrist, unknown (Loser); David Cameron, British Prime Minister (Dummy); David Milne, resident of Menie, Scotland (Loser); Dr. Thomas Frieden, CDC director (Fool); Eric Schneiderman, N.Y. attorney general (Loser); Erick Erickson, red-state organizer (Loser); Frank Lutz, pollster (Loser); Gary, an astrologer in Cleveland (Loser); Gavin Rossdale, musician (Loser); George Will, columnist and author (Loser); Glenfiddich, a whisky brand (Joke); Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair (Loser); Gwyneth Paltrow, actress (Loser); Harry Hurt, Trump biographer (Dummy); Hisham Elzanaty, businessman (Loser); Howard Stern, radio host (Loser); Huffington Post, online news aggragator) Loser); ISIS (Evil losers); J Papadopoulos, Australian (Moron); Jamie Flood, Doctor Who fan (Dummy); Jacqueline Goldberg, 87-year-old grandmother (Loser); Jeb Bush, Republican candidate (Loser); Jerry Seinfeld, comic (net worth $700m) (Failure); John Heilemann, journalist (Dummy); John McCain, U.S. Senator and war hero (Loser); Jon Stewart, comedian (Dummy ); Jonah Goldberg, editor of National Review (Loser); Karl Rove, political strategist (Loser); Kirsten Powers, political pundit (Dummy); Kristina Oakes, One Direction fan (Moron); Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC host (Fool); Lindsey Graham (Idiot); Lord Sugar, English business magnate (Loser); Marco Rubio (Loser); Mark Cuban, investor (Loser); Megyn Kelly, Fox News journalist (Loser); Michael Forbes, Scottish farmer (Loser); Michele Shephard, business executive (Dummy); Michelle Malkin, conservative blogger (Loser); Mike Tollin, documentary filmmaker (Loser); New York Daily News, newspaper (Loser); Nick McDougall, random guy on Twitter (Dummy); Nick Vranas, salesman (Dummy); Patch.com, news website (Loser); Patrick Blackburn (Moron); Paul Goldberger, architecture critic (Loser); Philip Crowther, French journalist (Loser); Random Twitter User #1 (Loser); Random Twitter User #2 (Loser); Random Twitter User #3 (Idiot); Random Twitter User #4 (Loser); Random Twitter User #5 (Dummy); Random Twitter User #6 (Loser); Random Twitter User #7 (Dummy); Random Twitter User #8 (Moron); Richard Belzer, actor (Stone Cold Loser); Rihanna, singer (Loser); Robert Yopp, refrigerator repairman (Dummy); Roger Stone, former Trump advisor (Stone Cold Loser); Rosie O’Donnell, talk show host (Loser); Russell Brand, actor (Loser); Ryan Matt, guy in Phoneix (Loser); Salon, news website (Loser); Sarah A. Wescot-Williams, Prime Minister of Sint Maarten (Loser); Sasha Baron Cohen, actor and comedian (Moron); Seth Meyers, talk show host (Loser); Sheena Monnin, former Miss Pennsylvania (Loser); Shelly Kulwin, lawyer (Fool); Star Jones, lawyer (Fool); Terry Pegula, Buffalo Bills owner (Loser); Thamsanqa Jantjie, sign-language interpreter at Mandela funeral (Moron); Theo Moll, Vice columnist (Dummy); Thokozile Masipa, Oscar Pistorius trial judge (Moron); Tim O’Brien, novelist (Loser); Timothy Burke, Deadspin writer (Loser); Tina Brown, magazine editor (Loser); Tom Allen, random Twitter user (Moron); Tom Scocca, Deadspin editor (Loser); Yolie, LGBT activist (Loser) Source: Maclean's (2015)
  23. SIAP I have the best people come and visit me.... Whatcha doing? Oh, just cleaning in the office, so many papers and things.... I know guest workers are not uncommon but given the lax security and documents we now know about, what a hot mess all of this was.
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