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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. That was my experience too. And all the girls from ACU seemed to be at least 8's or higher. Unreal the talent there.
  2. Yeah, The Stairs comment brought back the memories. You and I probably crossed paths back in the day in or around The Stairs. It was literally the only thing to do as a youngster in Abilene. I had a buddy who was friends with the door guys so we were always able to sneak in. Loved the Abilene Christian girls who went there. They knew they were going to get in trouble if the school found out they were there so they always made the most of it. I was usually able to talk at least one of them to go check out the blue lights by the airport and smoke a joint with me. And late night drunk sopapillas at EL Chico were the shit. Wish I still had that high school metabolism.
  3. Nice, a fellow Warbird. Inbox checked. Sent you a reply.
  4. We each only take one guess a year, so $5 over 12 years is $60. It gets exciting when the ice starts to go around your time. Like I said my wife missed it by 2 minutes one year. Very intense.
  5. Born and raised in Abilene as well. Abilene High School, class of 1989. Got the fuck out of there as quickly as I could too. Matriculated to the 40 acres and never went back. My wife and I take turns going back every quarter or so to check in on my aging parents. It was my turn. Neither of us like it, but it is something we have to do. They have no one else.
  6. Yep. The 2 most influential sports moments of my youth were the Miracle on Ice in 1980 and Roger Clemens pitching the Horns to the CWS title in 1983 over Alabama. Decided to become a Red Sox fan when they drafted him not understanding the pain, agony, and anguish I voluntarily signed up for. But I'm a loyal fucker. I've stuck through it with my Horns and I'll stick through it with my Sox.
  7. I've never understood the snow machine thing either, but they are adamant about it up here. You can always go old school and call them Snow Go's. I just got back from Abilene, Texas and had some pretty good BBQ at Jay's BBQ Shack. I would definitely recommend if anyone is ever in Abilene. Brisket was very good, very tender. They make their sausage in house and the 3 pepper Jack cheese was as good as any sausage I've ever had. DM me when you get up here again and I'll give you the local's tour. Tourist season is already starting to ramp up. Don't know why it didn't include your quote up above, but I was responding to your Codependent Season comment.
  8. Hits too close to home. It’s called break up season for a couple of different reasons. Lots of relationships end in the early spring for some reason.
  9. Lulz Bears and wolves and the other forest creatures don’t bother me, but the ocean freaks me the fuck out. I will not get into it. Those critters make me squeal like a prepubescent girl.
  10. Anecdotal evidence suggests bear spray is more affective than firearms. I usually carry both when out in the woods. Problem with bear spray is wind. You can only use it downwind or you end up blinding yourself.
  11. A low pitched roar. Animalistic. Give em your war face as Gunny Hartman said. I might try OU sucks if I ever have to do it again. I mean even a grizzly has to respect the truth.
  12. I have never been bluff charged and I hope I never am, but standing your ground is the advice that’s given. I’ve only had one close encounter with a grizzly. He didn’t charge me, but I thought he was. I was taking a water sample by a stream and I heard this weird clicking sound. Looked all around and couldn’t find the source until I looked up. About 10 feet away above a row of alders I saw a grizzly head looking at me and snapping his jaws. He was standing on his hind legs looking over the bushes. I immediately started screaming at him. He looked at me for what seemed like an hour then he dropped his ears. I thought I was fucked. All I told myself to do was to play dead when he came at me. The pistol and bear spray were in the truck about 20 feet behind me. Well, he looked at me a little longer, dropped to all fours and went on his way. I composed myself inside the truck and when I knew he was gone I grabbed the tape measure and measured the alders at a little over 8 feet. That means the bear was at least 9 feet. That’s a big interior grizzly. If I would have tried to make it to the truck he would have come at me and had me before I would have even gotten close.
  13. The Iditarod rarely comes through my area. Every once in a while though due to trail conditions. Mushing is big up here. There are daily race updates on the radio. Mushers like Brent Sass and Jeff King are celebrities in Alaska. The Iditarod gets all the press, but the Yukon Quest is a much tougher race.
  14. This hits a little too close to home right now. I try not to laugh and be understanding when she strips down to her underwear and stands outside at 20 to 30 below for 5 minutes to cool off. I can sympathize, but in no way can I empathize.
  15. Epitome of a career politician. The “Good Ol’ Boys Club” in Alaska just lost their cash cow. Anyone who ran against him up here didn’t have a chance. He was the main reason I support term limits for congress.
  16. This right here. Being treated equally means you are eligible to be made fun of. It’s the common denominator around here. Reattach your sac.
  17. XY is male. XX is female. Probably a typo, but an important one.
  18. Just heard on the local news in Abilene the Eastland complex fire has consumed 45K acres and is only 10% contained. Abilene was full of smoke yesterday afternoon. Cleared out overnight. Wind is still whipping and expected to increase tomorrow. It’s a tinderbox in the Big Country. More fires are expected.
  19. My wife. We can’t travel in the winter together. She literally keeps the home fires burning. She’s looking forward to having the place to herself.
  20. Started this morning at 33 below. Unusually cold for March. On my way to Abilene where it will be 70 when I finally get there. Only 100 degrees warmer, no big deal.
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