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Michael Knight

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Everything posted by Michael Knight

  1. Brogdon is not a starting caliber player on a contender, he's a good bench player who probably should have gone 10 picks earlier but it was a dogshit draft
  2. Pretty sure thats what this guy is mad about https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/17/us/nra-sues-maryland-governor-gun-safety/index.html
  3. I mean look at the bright side, theres a black man standing around in public with a gun and the cops haven't shot him. That's just progress
  4. Was way too expensive for their typical clientele. It was sold out in the beginning but most of those likely canceled
  5. I spent the last 2 years speaking it into existence, this isn't luck man its voodoo magic.
  6. Maybe take a gander at where Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili were drafted.
  7. When they say driving force I think they mean sucking ass
  8. I mean his name is literally in the tweet google is right there for you.
  9. I know you're an idiot with no concept of the world but that mobile home probably costs in the neighborhood of 2 million dollars
  10. Only 3 of those worked out for the teams that drafted then and 1 of them had to come back to do so.
  11. He's got the MN bias, his team sucks at drafting and player development so he just assumes every team sucks at it
  12. Its just karma and clean livin man
  13. https://www.espn.com/college-football/insider/story/_/id/37566132/college-football-qb-rankings-133-fbs-situations-tiers
  14. Its like someone asked ChatGPT to come up with a list of candidates
  15. the 6ers picked Markelle Fultz over Jayson Tatum
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