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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Matuka

  1. Q-nut going to trial on charges of plotting to kidnap and child abuse...oh the irony. News anchor quip before a video reaction is awesome. Case will proceed in case against mom accused in kidnapping plot with QAnon https://9news.com/embeds/video/73-bcb759a1-c9e2-47ac-b913-54a7e6f4ffef/iframe?jwsource=cl
  2. Surprised Candy is still alive.
  3. Not to mention that Michael Jackson is viewed as a saint.
  4. Remember when Fox News would have a body language "expert" on to slam Obama? I remember.
  5. They are going bankrupt again because they don’t make an 1100 or 870 like they used to.
  6. Hanging out with Robert E. Lee in the back, lovely. And is that Bill O'Reilly behind Donnie?
  7. Take away the wheel and that looks like a comfortable evening ensemble.
  8. And loafers?? Have you no decency Mitch!?
  9. They left out the question "Should the NRA direct critical resources to fund Wayne Lapierre and his wife's lavish lifestyle?"
  10. wtf Miss November??
  11. The standard is whether you are at a greater risk than the general population.
  12. Well I guess my ex-wife is only the second craziest person on earth.
  13. Went by BassPro yesterday; ammo shelves were sparse and emptying out fast. Even for hunting rifle ammo.
  14. So Tucker, the protestors are more popular than Trump, yet it's because the system isn't tough enough on them. That doesn't make sense.
  15. Lisa has Charlie Strong finger
  16. "I will never lie to you. You have my word on that."
  17. Wonder if she still wants to have coffee with Mr. Juanillo
  18. Captain Queeg (ret.) was the treasurer at the local Naval Academy Alumni Association and a member of Atlantic Beach CC (not board member as previously reported). His weekend did in fact suck with his resignations to the national and local chapter of the NAAA being enthusiastically accepted and the family's county club membership being terminated. https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20200606/jacksonville-area-naval-academy-alumni-board-member-resigns-after-accidentally-broadcasting-racial-slurs
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