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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. This is a great speech but man his age shows. Whispering Biden still creeps me out too.
  2. Joseph Smith was arrested like 40 times and also tarred and feathered. Trump and Smith have grifter similarities but Joseph Smith was incredibly competent in his storytelling and persuasive abilities. Trump is still riding on the false persona our media constructed for him. Additionally, most Mormons are actually nice folks, most Trumpers are insufferable shitcunts.
  3. Dude is the Elon Musk of Bobby Jindals. Exceptionally awful.
  4. Trump is still free?! …The so called deep state continues to fail this country.
  5. Hunter will have to resign over this.
  6. Trump did a lot of crime on twitter while he was President. Everything from obstruction, witness tampering, and ultimately mobilizing a violent coup attempt which got him banned from the platform IIRC. So far, the Twitter ban has been the most meaningful consequence.
  7. Poor bastard, the gun gets too heavy when you have all that crap on it.
  8. He cuts a deal to drop out of the race and to never run for political office again.
  9. Objectively there is no reason Trump should be allowed to walk around freely. I mean, stealing national secrets and conspiring to lead a violent overthrow of the federal government should land you in jail immediately right?!? Like, he’s clearly insanely dangerous to all of us. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!
  10. If Trump wins the presidential election he may have to resign over this.
  11. Glad to see the authorities are finally getting my emails.
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