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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Clarence Thomas is likely the worst Supreme Court justice of my lifetime
  2. It’s about domination. The cis white patriarchy is being challenged more and more and they can’t handle it. They lash out to try and reassert dominance.
  3. So after five years, TD unbanned me and there are at least five new trans related threads started everyday. It’s frankly disturbing how obsessed these people are about an issue that concerns such a small percentage of the population.
  4. This nation was not built on or by peaceful protest.
  5. I guess it comes down to whether they were trying to establish a theocracy… eh ok
  6. I mean, isn’t that religious freedom? My understanding is the kids in Holland were becoming too Dutch and their jobs sucked in the textile factories. They wanted to give their kids an “English” upbringing away from the worldly “corruption.”
  7. The pilgrims that came over on the Mayflower didn’t have the concept of separation of church and state fully developed. In fact the Mayflower Compact is saturated with religious overtones. They wouldn’t hesitate to ban someone from the colony if their religious views didn’t align.
  8. I had a dream last night that Trump tripped going up the courthouse steps, cracked his head open, but there was no blood, just Cadbury cream oozing out. All the bystanders thought this to be normal. Weird.
  9. We’re far from justice but it’s better than nothing I guess.
  10. Just like to reiterate that Wray and Garland are part of the problem…which is on Biden.
  11. It’s still going to be Trump vs Biden again. Doesn’t matter how much he gets indicted now, it’s too little too late. Sorry Ron, you’re just too much of a cuck sideshow in this timeline.
  12. Glad we have a real president today. Thanks Joe
  13. At this time a Trump/DeSantis ticket is probably the GOP’s most competitive option, sadly. If a bunch of other jokers don’t jump in the race (Hawley, Cruz, Paul, Christie) we could see something like a Regean/Bush 1980 primary where they team up at the end. It’s doubtful because I expect the other jokers to jump in the primary and spoil DeSantis’s chances.
  14. So I expect Trump to win the nomination and have Nikki Haley as VP. They lose to Biden/Harris but Trump again tries to start a real civil war contesting the election and then we’ll get to watch a DeSantis/Hawley ticket likely beat a Buttigieg/Val Demmings ticket in 2028.
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