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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. https://www.thedailybeast.com/truth-social-investors-try-to-keep-hope-alive-as-stock-tanks?ref=home?ref=home
  2. https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/ljk5fiy TL;DR phr. [abbr. too long, didn’t read] a voluntary affirmation of one’s short attention span or lack of intelligence when faced by anything beyond a brief message. 2014 [US] C. Eble UNC-CH Campus Sl. Spring 2014 15: T.L.D.R. — < too long; didn’t read protest and request for a summary.
  3. Or as it was also known as in my college days, the patch of truth.
  4. Green's Dictionary of Slang. This is incredible, free of charge and has no ads. https://greensdictofslang.com/ So, check it out my fellow mouth-breathers. And some backstory:
  5. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/trump-maga-movement-grassroots-republican-party/678043/ Excerpt from a new book Finish What We Started: The MAGA Movement’s Ground War to End Democracy.
  6. And yet, this 78 year old man seemingly has never had an issue staying up past midnight, stressing over this or that. He's the Antichrist, and nothing to date has ever harmed him.
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