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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. “There is a long and undisputed history of not indicting past Presidents. Presidents are, as a Constitutionally derived fact, above the Law. With certain exceptions this Court, alone, can decide.” -SCOTUS, probably
  2. Yeah, no. “The IPCC AR6 presents a strong body of scientific evidence that it is unequivocal that humans have caused the earth’s climate to warm, with a likely human contribution of 0.8 to 1.3 degrees Celsius to global mean temperature since the late 1800s”. Warmer temps >warmer water > stronger storms. Tropical cyclone intensities globally are projected to increase (medium to high confidence) on average (by 1 to 10% according to model projections for a 2 degree Celsius global warming). This change would imply an even larger percentage increase in the destructive potential per storm, assuming no reduction in storm size. Storm size responses to anthropogenic warming are uncertain. Anecdotally, we can confirm their high confidencevptojection. Tampa Bay was sucked dry by Ian. Second time on tecord. Both instances happened within several years on each othe. Clumate change deniers will have a new furcle in Hell, carved out for them specifically to keep the lowlifes separate from the merely damned.
  3. Nero likely sawed a judicious drone. “In a request to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) asked for an expedicted appeal of the special master, who was appointed to review government documents seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate” https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-special-master-2658378563/
  4. Support for @PenelopeWitherspoon statement. https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/global-warming-and-hurricanes/ But you already know this and chose to lie by omission.
  5. Today I read someone’s claim Trump is floating the idea of selecting her as his VP candidate. Kudos, CR prognosticators.
  6. Both MD and NY are voting within districts that now have court approval, que no?
  7. No better spot to suffer such an injury, in terms of access to top level health care. Thumb up, or nah? Wife says nah. I hope he is okay.
  8. Truth. Also true that, for reasons beyond my ken, lawyers defend the delaying tactic.
  9. I just learned that Ohio is districted according to a map that their courts rejected as unconstitutional.The delay tactic was successfully employed, no acceptable map was proffered, and the state is using the illegal districting map. The rule of Law was not adequate to meet the task of providing Ohio voters a constitutionally suitable districting map; delays defeated it. Republicans only care about the law when they can use it to punish others or benefit themselves. They are an organization that acts with contempt for the law and are a threat to a peaceful Republic. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/09/02/redistricting-one-year-later-ohio-a-unique-flawed-case/
  10. A definitive moment in a court of law where Trump’s claims are put to a truth test, at election time, seems like a big deal to me. I’d be sympathetic to the argument that it is more grave matter than absent big deal.
  11. Tampa Bay gets DRAINED by Ian. This is a Tiktok link from a guy who doesn’t know the difference between a bay and the gulf, but, damn. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmyWoeM/ That sight would make me run for the hills, but the refill wasn’t another catastrophe. https://apnews.com/article/hurricanes-florida-gulf-of-mexico-storms-fort-myers-398e288da8d0a081171203029bd3b124
  12. I agree with your post. Still, I want to believe that the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act is as advertised. Yes, I am often naive. Further, if the Texas Tribune is correct, and the bill has broad bipartisan support in the Senate,, I will enjoy the big pot of crow gumbo that I will be cooking. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/27/ted-cruz-insurrection/
  13. Yeah. CW is there’s likely to be a tsunami about to visit the area.
  14. Anybody seen this sort of thing after a hurricane along the TX:LA coast? I am assuming this is another spot slong the Tampa Bay, and the dude didn’t make that distinction. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmyWoeM/
  15. I’d chip in to pay an orthodox radical to follow her around in public, yelling, “<Bushh>!!”
  16. … don’t you know earthly riches are a sign of God’s favor?”
  17. O&G folks claim finger pointing is politics. Snowflakes. Climate destruction isn’t politics. It is science.
  18. It pleases me to include the following blog in this thread. Spoliered for those who might get upset. ”Green Hair, Mustard Seeds, and Me” by Shawn Powers
  19. Prine asked to be left off the credits for a song he thought frivolous, as he didn’t want to offend the country music fans. He did not understand those same fans. The cop who parked the car was punished with a paid vacation.
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