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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Spectrum is on board with the fascism, so not surprised.
  2. You just support such with your vote. While I share your disgust at our state’s execution of the mentally challenged who are convicted of capitol crimes, It doesn’t appear to influence your vote, as an example. The social safety net is yet another. Pick, choose, compartmentalize.
  3. Can’t be helping the supply side hangups that are pushing up prices.
  4. My wife was irritated by the poll watcher, but, frankly, I was flattered.
  5. Weather app shows 80% chance of rain this Friday. Can’t take it seriously until Surly-fication.
  6. Just voted at Buda City Hall. Short line. Had to wait two minutes. I gave the stink eye to a guy with a Republican sign out in the parking lot. Even though I was wearing my dark sunglasses, my wife noticed and fussed at me.
  7. I haven’t seen that one. The tree of liberty, I presume. Those folks refused masks to protect others, because “God will protect ME.” (Apparently, God doesn’t protect against guns, in their white man’s voodoo form of Christianity). But they’ll think themselves agents of God when they start killing people.
  8. Caution is the better part of valor. Two big middle finger sculptures would be unnecessarily abrasive, according to the Mrs. So we went with Mothers Against Greg Abbott.
  9. Read Twice’s thoughts just a couple of posts upthread.
  10. The Dutch used to think this should take place after disemboweling and flaying. The only way to be sure (at the time.)
  11. I am obliged to point out that fascist governments of today join their historic antecedents in a fetishized veneration of science.
  12. Was down there last weekend. Dust clouds all weekend.
  13. If Tribe is correct, why hasn’t anyone filed whatever suit might be brought to bear? Is 28 USC 455 lawyerese for “meaningless words and promotional drivel?” Edited to speculate that SCOTUS is the origin of that burgeoning legal principle: Laws are for thee, but not for me.
  14. Never took biology. Though my daughter can make a solid claim to be UT’s top biology undergrad, this , her senior, year. There are other sciences. I feel no need to toot my horn. But, you fail to impress, as you dodge, hide, and pick and choose in your Surly discussions. As you seek a narrowly focused frame where your self doubt isn’t triggered, and you can escape the self examination of a healthy mind. Life is not defined as not-dead. Science fails to address all that a fully engaged human brain considers. I’m beginning to understand that you aren’t smart enough to see that which is assumed. Let’s start with the first definition of life. I shouldn’t have to state that an unviable entity isn’t functional; gullible me to have assumed you would know that. A person whose organs are shutting down isn’t vital. Whether science’s, or a particular religion’s, definition of life differs is immaterial. I have no idea if your ossified thinking is a result of religious bias, or personal blame-casting, but I do know you have no wish to seek common understanding. And that is a failure on your part. Whether you wish to acknowledge it, or not. Don’t forget, though, it is not too late for you. Be brave. Consider the possibility you might be wrong.
  15. Definition of life 1a: the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body Is English your second language?
  16. Edited to encouragement. There’s still hope for you!
  17. This kid deserves some space from that association.
  18. A better defense starts with the possibility you are wrong. Start with my last two posts. I’ll refrain from mocking your defining the Constitution as science. Edited ti add that ots a busy weekend for me, and I’ve got to het to it. Won’t even catch the game(s) in real time. But, I hope to pick this topic back up. I believe it will do you good,
  19. Our Constitution, the Law, the ruler of our country, does not depend on the scientific method. It was, is, and should remain, a philosophical document. Which aligns with the stated, bedrock, principle of freedom of religion. Inability to recognize one’s own transgressions does not please the God of any religion of which zI am aware. Your belief in yourself is sinful, hombre.
  20. Yes, it is. But, science doesn’t define what people believe to be human life. Existence is not the sum total of life. Go ahead, outlaw DNR decisions, you wing nut. Your religion might have an opinion. But that opinion differs among various religions. My religion has a different opinion. For fifty years we lived with an enumerated right, and zealots such as yourself are willing to deny this right based on four opinions. Not an Amendment to the rule of Law that God, Himself, blessed for this country. Pick and choose, hypocrite
  21. Sentencing hearing is ongoing. Linked thread has the arguments being made. So far, the judge rejected defense’s argument that there is no minimum sentence, so, at the least, Bannon will have to dry out.
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