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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. This isn’t helping the supply of goods. Barges hit bottom of Mississippi River as water levels approach historic low https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/barges-hit-bottom-of-mississippi-river-as-water-levels-approach-historic-low/ar-AA12TES7
  2. Did LD miss three out of four PKs?
  3. Looking at RSL’s keeper, Mormon country seems hard on guy.
  4. This report gives me hope. Thiel is a New Right underwriter. Fuck you, you traitorous POS. May your island erupt and ash entomb your miserable corpse.
  5. The refs would have fucked us if they could. We won a one score game.
  6. Woman in black saying. “Fuck ya!” Needs to be a gif.
  7. The J6 committee’s criminal referral will carry more weight than wind borne piss. At the least, the piss stream will be direct to Garland’s face.
  8. I, too, think the J6 committee will make a unanimous criminal referral to DOJ. Cheney indirectly weighs in on whether Trump should be prosecuted https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/cheney-weighs-in-trump-prosecuted Whether Garland will pull that trigger is too damn uncertain. The motherfucker took an oath to defend the Constitution, however. I hope he hasn’t put his finger in the air, and is weighing public sentiment. That thinking led us here, with Nixon, and also with Clinton. The more powerful the lawbreaker, the more critical it is to indict and go to trial.
  9. What else can we expect from our well regulated militia? I mean, we can’t abandon the security it provides, can we?
  10. Oral sex. That’s the precedent in our adult lifetime.
  11. Yeah, I don’t think the imperial president has emerged from the cocoon just yet. All ante dystopian precedents show some degree of acquiescence.
  12. I wouldn’t be allowed to sit on a death case jury, as I don’t support the death penalty. But, yes, the pain those families displayed was heart breaking.
  13. Watching the sentencing hearing of the Parkland shooter. Wish I wasn’t. The murderer is a fucking runt of the litter critter. So far, each verdict agrees he deserves to be put to death, but one or more jurors have decided mitigating factors preclude unanimous agreement on the needle. It only takes one, but I think this human train wreck will die in prison and not by execution. Watching the disappointment of victim families is tough.
  14. So, this is the “Fire Sark” thread, renamed as an insult to HC? Lulz. T-shirt fan is infantile.
  15. Does this mean weed is now legal in Big Bend NP? Asking for errybody.
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